Chapter 35: You Think What?

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Its been 3 weeks today since my little psychotic break. I've spent everyday with Hayden or Kai or both. We've been on one mission which almost landed us killed because Asher can't calm the fuck down.

They had a little memorial for her which Hayden and I didn't attend. Instead later that night I poured her favorite whiskey on her grave and lit it on fire.

Asher doesn't seem to care either. He told us it was a rebound one night stand cause he was hurt which made me even more pissed to know he's that kind of person.

Today however is our ball. I've been planning for months since Asher can't be trusted with a simple thing.

I'm honestly more excited than I have been about anything in awhile. Us four have to wear flashy outfits that stick out more than the usual fancy shit. That's the only thing I'm dreading.

Hayden rented a huge hall and Ethan had a whole team setting everything up on the inside.

Our little annual event/ game tonight is also going to be interesting as hell.

When people come in their going to be paired with a name at the door randomly. Whoever your paired with you have to spend all night with. The thing is when my sign is given you either kiss your partner if you've had a great night or try and kill them before they kill you.

If people are smart they'll kiss anyway. But you have some psychos like me who'd rather kill a stranger even if there dates been good.

Good luck to them babes tonight.

I'm excited.

Tonight my dress is big, white, and sparkly. It has one again a corset top with thin straps, and a big poofy skirt that has a wide slit and underneath a shorts the are connected to the corset like a jumper so need be I won't be flashing anyone and I can just rip the skirt off.

Hayden's going all out and his pants match mine with a basic white top like usual unbuttoned and rolled up.

Ethan's top matches mine and is rolled like Hayden's but his pants are white.

Both boys have their hair slicked back and mine was curled and thrown into a bun.

I couldn't give two shits about Asher but he looks like both the guys and the only thing sparkly on him is his ring. His outfit is all white.

These fancy bitches gave me silver sparkles on my eyes and white eyeliner. The only pop of color on me is my bright red lips.

"We leave in two minutes." Hayden cheered walking into my room.

"I know, help." I whined pointing at my basic white heels.

"Okay" he agreed strapping the last one.

"You look amazing Boo." He smiled twirling me around once I stood up.

"You look dashing your self bean." I smiled and twirled him around as he laughed.

In my heels I'm only an inch shorter then him.

Tall girl shirt or whatever.

"Let's go." He said kissing my cheek and pulling me out of the house.

I ignored the stares of Ash and Ethan while Hayden and I slid into the back of the limo.

"Let's go!" I cheered.


Everyone's in and should be partnered by now. I was surprisingly paired with Hayden so all night he's been making funny jokes on how hot he's going to make our first kiss.

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