Chapter 32: Lets Get This Over With

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Ive only been up for about and hour. Hayden and I have made no efforts in leaving my bed even though we should soon.

We have another ball tonight and thankfully it's the Spanish Mafia's.

Hayden and I haven't been playing cod for a good 10 minutes and he's already winning.

"So Bean, tell me why you didn't sleep with Rose last night." I said shooting off someone's head in front of me.

"We got in a fight." He shrugged getting killed by the person in front of him then I paused the game.

"What happened?" I asked turning to look at him.

"It's been 4 months Phoebe, she already doesn't want me anymore." He said his voice almost breaking.

"What do you mean she doesn't want you anymore?" I asked completely shocked.

"She said she doesn't want to be with me. "It's not fair to me to love her while she loves somebody else.' " he said sighing.

"Who could she possible like?" I scoffed and he laughed with no humor present.

"Ethan." He deadpanned and my jaw dropped.

"I'm going to kill both of them." I yelled and before I could get up I was pulled back down.

"Ethan doesn't know, he doesn't have anything to do with it.." Hayden said surprisingly fast.

"What's do you mean? How would you know that?" I scoffed.

"Him and Rose have a bond like us. However Rose went further while Ethan knows it's strictly platonic and he doesn't want her." Hayden said.

"How would you know that?" I pushed. "He could feel the same."

"Not when he's utterly in love with someone else." Hayden said nonchalantly then his eyes went as wide as baseballs and his hand flew to his mouth. 'Shit' he muttered.

I squealed like a little girl.

"Who does E like?!" I asked excitedly

"I can't tell you, it's confidential." He said.

I pushed him over and got on top of him and I'm seconds hand my knife to his neck.

"I said who does he like?" I questioned adding a little pressure.

"I- uh- Um-" he stuttered out.

"Get on with it!" I yelled and within seconds he yelled back.


My jaw dropped and I slowly took the knife away from Hayden's throat as I climbed off him.

"How?" I asked

"I mean you guys have been getting all buddy buddy." He mentioned standing off my bed.

"But we're just buddies and you don't like me." I pointed out again.

"But Ethan and I are two completely different people mama." He said throwing his shirt on.

"True." I sighed.

"Now enough about stupid relationships and let's pick out your dress. Your my date so we need to find a color I have." He clapped his hands excitedly and I laughed.





"Fuck, what the hell is that?"

"Come on Phoebe your down to your last dresses." Hayden groaned.

"Let's see them." I cheered.

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