Chapter 37: Creep

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"You remember what to do right?" Asher asked walking in my room.

"Of course I remember, and just because I'm talking to you again doesn't mean you can walk in here whenever." I said pulling up the light blue sundress I'm wearing today.

"Whatever." He mumbled sitting on my bed.

I slipped on the basic white flip flops Ethan threw at my head a few days ago and a simple silver necklace and diamond earrings. Today I put on fake eyelashes and a pink lipstick. My hair was also thrown up into a cute messy bun.

"How do I look?" I asked Asher wiggling my eyebrows.

"Fine, don't do that you've been spending to much time with Hayden." He groaned

"Stop being a baby." I laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." He said walking out of my room.

"Watch it Loser, I can go back to not talking to you." I hissed leaving my room to.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled again as we headed towards the kitchen.

When we walked in of course Hayden and Ethan were already in there. Hayden was eating a big bowl of cereal and I internally cringed at the fact Ethan's gotten sick in that bowl.

Ethan was cleaning and starting the slushee machine for me since last time I did I cut myself on the dullest piece of plastic ever.

"You look pretty today." Hayden choked trying to swallow a spoonful of cereal.

"Thanks loser." I said handing Ethan the blue razz flavoring.

"Of course BooBoo."

"What exactly are you doing though?" Ethan asked while starting the machine.

They don't have any idea what's going on with the Malachai situation and I don't blame Asher for not wanting to tell them.

"I have a... a date with Kai." I said giving Asher a weird side look.

"Oh." He said sounding hurt.

"It's okay Ethan I can take you on a date too." Hayden smiled.

I laughed at that as the doorbell rang.

"Wish me luck." I said but Asher knew it was pointed towards him.


"This place is beautiful." I gushed as Kai lead me through a field of flowers.

"I knew you'd like it." He smiles before stopping.

I turned to where he was standing and seen a picnic table that was very fancily set up in the middle of an opening.

It had your basic picnic basket and food but there was also guns and knives. I looked around a little more closely and seen Targets set up around us.

"This is awesome." I smiled running towards the table.

"I'm glad you approve. " he teased.

The next hour or so was spent with us eating and talking about the most random things we could think about. As I sat and talked to him I didn't feel anything though.

There was no spark.

No special feeling.

It was all dull and forced. It made the mission easier but it made me more confused because I thought there was something.

Now it's completely and utterly a thought and not a feeling.

He's been trying to be touchy feely and I have to go along. It's just rough I hate the feelings of someone's touch when I don't trust them.

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