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"Adelaide, go beat up Uncle Hay." Ethan whispered as Hayden laid down on the couch.

"Okay." She giggled as she ran over to Hayden and began punching him in the leg.

I laughed as Hayden moved wrong and she got him in the dick.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Uncle Hay." She started to cry when she seen him groan in pain.

This man looked my daughter dead in the eyes and what he said I feel like her dad would've said to her.

"Darling don't apologize for hurting someone. Be the little bad ass you are and hurt them more." He smiled and she hugged him.

While saying "okay." She pulled away and slapped his cheek.

She then continued to run somewhere and hide while giggling.

"Phoebe she's definitely yours." Hayden muttered rubbing his face.

Adelaide is almost 5 and let me tell you the past few years have been one hell of an adventure.

What I'm most thankful for is the guys through all of this.

Even though he passed out while I was delivering Adelaide, Hayden's been by my side through all of it.

He made the 3 am trips to curve my cravings. He took multiple stabs when my mood swings were bad. He even rubbed my back while I was getting sick in the morning.

When she arrive she instantly became the best part of his world. They do everything together.

Ethan and her are close too but he moved out two years ago when he found a girl. Her name is Athena and she's gorgeous.

Even though he moved out He comes to visit often.

The guys are my relief and what I love most is that they've helped to keep Asher's memory alive. Adelaide knows who her daddy is and she knows what happened. I've never kept a secret from her and I intend to keep it that way. She evens knows what we do for a living.

She's so intelligent it's scary. She accidentally hacked into Ethan's computer and she's only fucking four.

As for the mafia it's been fun.

Hayden took over as lead role for the American Mafia while I still run the Spanish part. Even though the mafia is one whole now it's still a little easier to keep them some what separate.

Ethan is now Hayden right hand man while Lexa is mine.

Her and Gia have actually gotten married. That one was a shock to everyone.

I think now the only thing I've left out is how I am doing.

I still don't know how to answer that fully. Some days are better than others and I always miss him but it's definitely gotten a lot easier especially with Adelaide.

She looks just like him from her bone structure to her emerald green eyes.

The only thing of mine she's got is the blonde hair and the gender. Even then each day her blonde hair becomes more and more brown.

I'm thankful for that though. It's like a breath of fresh air.


When I look back on my time spent with Asher a lot of it was good and even in the bad there was always a part of him I loved.

We became addicted to each other like we were a personalized drug. I crave him everyday but I know I'll be okay with out him.

I was literally and figuratively marked by him and I couldn't help but only be thankful.


Authors note:

It's the end guys 🥳🥳 omg it's crazy.

I can't help but be so grateful for you guys giving 'marked by you' a chance.

I'm so happy right now. I need a life though this only took about 2 1/2 months to write.

Don't mind that little cliffy😘

Word count : 615

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