Chapter 5: Training

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                       **PHOEBE'S POV**

Today I start training. I was informed last night today I will be working with Ethan. I honestly don't know what to expect. As I walked into my closet I went to the fitness area.

I had Hayden mark clothes categories.

I pulled out a hot pink sports bra and some black biker shorts. Once I changed I went back in to grab a regular pair of running shoes and I finished with tying my hair into a ponytail.

I jogged down stairs and went to the kitchen where everyone was already seated. I smiled brightly pouring a glass of lemonade and everyone rolled their eyes.

"What the fuck is up your guys asses?" I asked rudely and Hayden groaned.

"Phoebe it's 4 in the damn morning and your so cheerful. Usually you'd have stabbed me for being this cheerful after you wake up." He whined.

"As long as you know." I nodded and Ash chuckled.

I may or may not have stabbed Hayden again yesterday for hugging me when I woke up.


"Ready kid?" Ethan asked throwing his arm around my shoulder and I nodded.

"Let's go then." He said dragging me to the front door.

We got into his silver Jeep and drove off.

It was about a 26 minute ride before we pulled up to this huge wear house looking thing.

"If we're not at the mansion, bar, or on a mission we're here." He stated and I nodded following him. He whistled like a bird and the door flung open revealing a big man maybe 6'5 but he was built with black hair and blue eyes.

I could totally take him.

He nodded at Ethan letting him through but stopped me from going further.

"Woah there, who the fuck are you?" He asked quite rudely.

Don't say it phoebe

Don't say it hoe

"Your mom." I blurted and the mans eyes widened.

Really? Your mom?

Shut up self.

Ethan shook his head the corners of his lips pulling up slightly.

"She is part of the team now Ashers orders." Ethan said to Mr. Orphan because I refuse to accept that as my child.

"Oh then right this way." He said moving and I stuck my tongue out at him after he flipped me off.

I poked Ethan's shoulder .

"Can I stab him?" I whispered in his ear after making him bend down.

"Do you want a bullet in your head ?" He asked looking amused.

"I could totally take him." I nodded

"Sure you could kid." He said patting my head dragging me through more halls.

Eventually we made it to a big open room. It was filled with weights, targets, a track outlined it, and in the center a fighting ring.

"Since we know your specialty is already knives and you practice enough on Hayden, which would you like to start with?" He said looking over the room.

"I want to fight you." I said smiling.

"Seriously Phoebe what do you want to start with?" He scoffed looking down at me.

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