Chapter 19: Angel Of Death

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Asher reassured me this would be easy even though we're out numbered and I can't tell if it's the truth or a lie. So far we've only killed one person from there side and thankfully all of us are still standing.

I look over quickly too see Asher right on top of Matthew punching him over and over again in the eye.

When I turn back Angelic is right there coming at me with a spoon.

She manages to actually stab me in the arm with the damn thing but she tripped on her own dress which led to me stomping on her head making sure my heel went right through her eye.

Now that the donnas gone I look over to the female heir. Their son was the first to die how pathetic.

She comes running towards me a knife in her hand but the way she's holding it I can tell its not her specialty. She goes to throw it at my chest but she didn't throw it correctly and it just bounced off of me.

"Let me show you." I smile at her picking up her knife.

I feel it out and it isn't even balanced right. As she continues running at me I run towards her to close the distance. She punched me in the face as soon as she reaches me and I can say she had a better chance in this world then her brother. I calmly move my jaw around to make sure it didn't pop and walk back up to her. A flash of fear crosses her face as she's watching my hands for them to swing but I don't.

Instead I fly my head forward and bash it into her nose then as she's stumbling back I swing repeatedly until she falls. I get on top of her and swing once more really hard knocking her out cold. Just then I decide to carve on her forehead a cross and a K then turn her over and carefully slide my knife into her neck angling it to puncture into her brain surly killing her when I twist it and break the connection from skull to spine.

Seeing Asher have the don dead and one guard I take that as my chance to quickly carve into the Donnas head before heading back over to the boys. I see Asher with a cut lip and a scratched up arm, Hayden has been stabbed in his shoulder but he's pushing through no thanks to me while Ethan looks like he broke his left hand.

The three last guards stand in front of us while we line up next to each other. To our surprise a skinny red head shoots himself right in front of us surprising the now last two guards as well. They visibly panic as their hands reach to their back waist band. I see Asher do the same when I see the shine of the gun I got him from the corner of my eye so I grab the biggest knife from my holster which has his quote on it and not a song and look over to him.

He's looks down at my hand and back at the guys who are reloading there guns. I smile at him and he nods. Asher aims first and when he's got a good shot I get my knife ready and when the two guards cock there guns aiming at us to see us already aimed we fire before they can. Ashers bullets fly through the head of the tall guard while my knife lodges it in the throat of the overly unfit one.

A sigh of relief releases from the guys as I walk up to the man and carve into his forehead.

After I'm done I join the guys and we look up to Viktor.

"May I say I'm presently surprised especially by the actions of this little lady right there" his voices booms and he points at me.

I keep my face void of any emotion and nod at him in a thanks manner.

"Tell me sweetie, why carve a cross and a K?." He asks referencing to the dead bodies being dragged away.

"Because it's my mark. I leave it everywhere I go now because lately anywhere I go bodies drop and follow behind me." I say strongly looking him in the eyes.

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