Chapter 7: The Ball

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                        **ASHER'S POV**

She's been up there all morning. We've heard her yell at the ladies and I just know their terrified. I don't know exactly what happens but at one point Phoebe yelled "if that thing hits my eyeball one more damn time I'll stab you in the eye with it" that was funny.

But now the guys and I are all dressed waiting on the couch for her. The beauty ladies or whatever the hell they are left about ten minutes ago so that means she's getting dressed.

Hayden is wearing a white button up shirt and black dress pants. His sleeves are rolled up and his top two buttons are undone. He dresses like that everyday but the last time we tried getting him into a fancier suit he bit my ear.

Ethan is in a black regular tuxedo and his blue hair is gelled back. He even put his earrings in for this. Their regular diamond studs. Him and Hayden are currently arm wrestling.

I'm wearing a red button up much like Hayden and black slacks. That's another reason why I can't yell at him I'm dressed the same way. My hairs out and just brushed at the top of my head and I have a silver chain on.

Currently we're in an arm wrestling competition. The winner goes against me, and Hayden just lost. Now I find myself grabbing Ethan's hand pulling it down to my side.

We're both struggling but I'm winning just by a few inches. I almost have his hand pinned when a feminine voice clears causing my head to snap towards the stairs. While I was distracted Ethan took his chance to smack my hand down roaring with excitement but I was to busy to care.

I seen her in the dress last night and I already knew it was absolutely beautiful on her but right now.

Right now it's breath taking.

She has the same dress and shoes on from last night but this time her hair and makeup is done. They had her hair done in two Dutch braids. Usually that would be an everyday hair style and not something elegant but she makes it put those dumb fancy ass hair styles to shame.

Her eyeshadow was an ombré light to dark red going outwards paired with perfect winged eyeliner. She had false eyelashes on and perfect dark red lipstick. She was absolutely beautiful.

I didn't notice how long I've been staring until she was right in front of me literally smacking me into reality.

I looked at her with a confused look as my cheek stung.

"We're you even fucking listening?" She hissed glaring at me.

"N-no what did you say?" I asked cursing myself for getting that distracted.

"I said you look nice but we got to go." She said rolling her eyes walking to the front door with the others.

As I walked to the front door Ethan whispered into my ear. "Someone saw something they wanted." He teased and I punched him.

"Shut the fuck up."


The hour ride to the jet was miserable I was in back with Hayden and he wouldn't shut up. Something about how he swears satan is really a girl because it would make more sense for a fallen angel to be an ex girlfriend.

Fucking idiot it could only be a man. Women are too powerful.

Now though, we're on the jet 5 minutes from landing in Costa Rica. Phoebe is chewing on her lip obviously anxious. I hate it when she does that. I'm not a weirdo and hate it because it turns me on I just don't want her to scar those perfect lips of hers.

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