Chapter 21: Yeah Totally

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As I walked through the old abandoned hallway gunshots were still ringing out behind me.

We were suppose to be on a mission to steal the Canadian Cargo. I know we killed the Canadian family at the ball but Matthew's Brother Scott took over and he's running it way better then Matthew ever could.

However we were setup. There was no cargo here just about 20 men to our 10. Hayden, Ethan, Phoebe and I then 6 other well trained snipers.

Once we walked in that door open fire spread. Immediately killing two of my men. However our mafia is higher ranked for a reason.

One of my snipers was able to confirm 3 deaths within 2 minutes of our first body dropping then Phoebe manages to get two men to shoot each other while Hayden bashed some poor dudes brains into a wall.

So it's more 8-14 now.

I seen Scott take off down this hallway and with a glance to Phoebe she knew and told me to follow him.

I know she can manage back there.

That's where I'm at though walking slowly down this creepy ass old hallway that only has one door at the end of it.

Even though I only know there's one way to go in this hallway I'm still finding myself slowly moving along the wall.

Phoebe is the only thing going through my mind as I make it towards the end of the hall.

Stay alive so you I can see her beautiful smile again.

With that repeating through my head my fingers graze the door knob and before I can turn it a shot rings through the air.

and everything goes dark


"Now Asher you can't fucking cheat." Phoebe flailed her arms whining.

"I'm cheating against Hayden not to you." I countered back with a teasing smile.

"Because that's just wrong. Prove your the better man and win without cheating." She scolded pointing her finger in my face.

I slowly kissed the tip of her nose and muttered a 'fine' before going back to play monopoly in the living room.


"Isn't she a looker." He nudged my arm.

My head snapped up from my phone as I watched the bartender walk up to us.

She was breath taking beautiful grey eyes, long blonde hair and a smile that could kill.

"You've got some drool right there." Hayden whispered pointing to my mouth and I flicked his ear.


"Pheebs you need to eat." I said walking into his hospital room.

"I'm not hungry." She muttered from her position of sitting on a chair and laying her head on Hayden's lap.

These past few days have been hell for her it's like watching her loose apart of herself.

"Okay" I said throwing the tray away sitting down next to her and rubbing small circles on her back.

It kills me to see her like this.


My office door flew open and in came rushing a pissed looking Hayden.

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