Chapter 45: Thats The Spirit

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It's been a few weeks and I've trained everyone into the dirt. I'm positive almost all of these guys could actually put up a fight against me.

Even Axel .

Just in time too. Viktor announced he will be holding a ball in two days time. That's our in. All of us will be attending an Viktor, Svetlana and the top assassins will drop dead and anyone who puts up a fight for them.

We already have it planned out.

When Viktor and Svetlana stand at the top of the stairs to announce their game of the evening my knife will be launching straight into Viktors skull at the same time Gias will be going into Svetlana's.

Their top two assassins are usually up there standing beside either one of them and Hayden and Rick will be shooting them dead with a silenced gun.

By the time everyone processes what had happened Asher and Ethan would have already taken out the two guards by the entrance. Lexa is in charge of taking out the one in the back exit.

After that everyone's going to work together to kill every last Russian in the room.

There are no heirs so it'll be the end to the Russian Mafia.

We got done training about an hour ago and everyone came home to take a shower. The girls and I are going out for a dress tonight and the guys are coming with us for their suits.

We're not going to any old place though.

Lexa has this stylist friend who can have 5 dresses done by tomorrow night.

The only reason why we're going to a stylist is because she's making us all stuff we can move in and we won't have to rip.

All us girls have picked out and drawn out the style and color we want but they all have the same idea.

Thin strapped form fitting dresses that stop just above our knees.

The colors are a theme or at least are within our mafia this time.

Black and white.

Lexa and Gia went with a black dress while Kally and Paige chose white.

Lexa and Paige's dresses are the same just different colors. They are silk with an open back and a baggier top.

Gia's black dress is simple matte black with two slits in the stomach.

And Kally's dress is still all one thing but looks like a two piece because the fabric on her stomach is a clear mesh connecting the basic white top and bottom.

Sadly the twins and Jared are staying behind because they're going to wipe out the Russians data base. So we're left with the rest.

Richard, Axel, Cornfed, Cowboy, And Oliver are all in White dress shirts like how the boys usually go and nice khakis.

Dumb combo but they can't wear black and it was better then basic blue jeans.

Hayden, Redial, Rick, Animal and Ethan are all in black. Their usual black slacks and their black dress shirts.

All the guys are obviously going to have their sleeves rolled up and their top two buttons undone because that's just them.

Since we're the bosses Ashers and I's are mixed.

He's wearing Black slacks and a white dress shirt.

Pretty simple.

However my dress is the same look as the girls just not the same style.

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