Chapter 10: Baby Mama

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It's been a few days and I've gone on 3 more missions. The last one I went on was with Hayden. He told me we weren't suppose to kill anyone since it was 2 to 8 but one of the fat fucks had to tell me my ass looked good and proceeded to grab it.

I however was actually not the one sending a bullet between his eyes.

I love Hayden he's my bestie.

Now we're at the kitchen table talking about one very important thing.

"Come on Ash you got to answer!" I whined throwing my hands on the table.

"Phoebe I'm not answering your stupid ass question."

"Come on man we all need to know." Hayden whined this time earning a giggle from me.

"Yes, okay! I would still like all of you if you were fat fish!" Asher groaned rolling his eyes.

I squeaked happily and pulled him into a hug kissing his cheek.

"Knew it!" I teased and he once again just rolled his eyes standing up to get more chocolate milk.

"You know if you drink to much of that your going to turn into a chocolate cow." I said taking a bite of my banana.

"One, chocolate cows don't exist." He started.

Way to ruin a women's dreams douche bag

"Two I could say the same for you and slushees." He finished and I threw my hand over my heart in a fake attempt to look hurt.

"Hey leave the slushees out of this cause I like them too!" Hayden said from behind me.

"There stupid."

My jaw dropped and I turned to Hayden.

"Did you hear that!" I yelled

"Yes, yes I did." He said looking worried.

I faked like I was passing out and fell into his arms. He caught me and adjusted me so he was holding my bridal style.

"Look what you did! You killed her!" Hayden whined and I faked dead sticking my tongue out.

"You two are the most dramatic people I've ever met." Ash once again rolled his eyes before leaving the kitchen.

Hayden put me down and we both started laughing instantly. It took us a while to catch out breaths but eventually we did. Today was Sunday. Last day of the weekend before god awful training.

"What are we doing today?" I looked over and he had a smile plastered big across his face.

"Oh no forget I even asked." I went to turn around but was again not even on the ground moment later.

I was flipped over Hayden's shoulder no doubt my ass exposed to everyone who looked.

"You do not walk away from me young lady." He said hauling me back to the living room.

"Let me go or my knife will go straight into your spine." I yelled and immediately was met with the softness of the couch.

"How those come out of thin air is beyond me-" Hayden said pointing towards the knife that was now dancing between my finger. "- but to answer your question. We're going to the beach!"

"But it's November." I stated its colder outside but not to cold.

"We're also in Louisiana and it's only 74* degrees out" he pointed back.

"Fair enough I'll go get ready." I muttered walking towards the stairs.

"Wear something sexy babe!" He called out as I reached the top. I rolled my eyes and smiled going to my room.

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