Chapter 49: Just A Feeling

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"I want the very last room at the very top floor." I called and everyone nodded.

"According to the map that's a split room so I'll join." Hayden smiled from next to me.

I laughed as I watch the rest look at the map.

"I call the whole 2 floor." Asher deadpanned and we all just stared at him.

"Deal with it." He added.

"Gia and I are gonna be all the way at the opposite end of Phoebe's hallways." Lexa cheered and I jumped up.

"Rick and I are sharing 3rd floor." Ethan called from up in the passenger seat. Why he insisted to sit there in a limo is beyond me.

"The first floor is the cafeteria, laundry unit, pool, and gym plus a few rooms so that's free game." I added and they all nodded.

After about another 20 minutes we finally pulled up and the first thing Hayden did was pick me up bridal style and book it inside.

"Stop!" I laughed as he almost ran into a wall.

"Not yet." He mumbled running towards the elevators.

I continued laughing as he finally dropped me waiting for the elevator to open.

Once it did he pushed me inside and un-patiently waited for the door to close.

"Jesus Hay, chill." I laughed and he shook his head.

As the door pinged open I was thrown right back over his shoulder and we basically zoomed the the other side of the hall.

As soon as I was let down again it felt as if my head rushed more.

The room was beautiful.

It looks like we actually got a sweet of some sort.

There's two huge ass beds, a mini kitchen area, and a huge sink in the wall with a mirror so I can get ready if there's someone in the bathroom.

There's also a hot tub in the far corner. I was actually excited as fuck.

The bathroom was all white, fancy walk in waterfall shower and everything.

I don't need to mention the conjoining room looks exactly the same.

"Go have fun BooBoo l'lol unpack." Hayden smiled as Rick came through the door with more bags.

I thanked Rick, smacked Hayden, then went to find the girls room.

They picked a pretty big one. Look exactly like ours excepts there was no hot tub and the shower was a regular tub one.

Now we've been in the hotel for a few hours. About 20 minutes ago us girls decided it would be fabulous to prank the guys.

We currently in the stair well hidden under the very last floors steps.

We haven't heard much and to put a better act up we left our phones in the room on the bed in a pile.


"Do you think they've noticed yet?" I whispered to Gia and she nodded.

"What makes you th-" I got cut off but the slamming of a door followed by yelling.

"Pheebs? You in here?" His voice boomed and I threw my hand over my mouth to keep myself from making noise.

We heard multiple foot steps run down the stairs and when they reached us we backed further under the stair case.

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