Chapter 12: That Was His No

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I've been dancing with Phoebe for a while now. All the people around us finally quit staring. I did however save Phoebe from starting a war she wouldn't win. That crazy girl was about to hold the don of the Italian mafia at gun point. Giovanni doesn't forgive easily and he's our ally so that would've been horrible.

And yes it was a gun.

I'm just glad I noticed her reaching for the slit in her dress in time. Although I'm still wondering how she got the gun past the guards.

In case your wondering Ethan hid her knives while she was at the hospital.

I was pulled out of thought when her hand cupped my face.

"You okay?" She asked looking worried.

Yeah never better, your here.

"Mhm, peachy." I smiled playfully pushing her arm away.

"Loser." She mumbled watching across the room.

"What is it?" I asked trying to follow her gaze.

"Isn't that him?" She whispered pointing to a tall blonde man.

"Yeah." I said as he turned down a secluded hallway.

"I'll get him Ash, just stay here." She said squeezing my hand quickly.

Just like that she disappeared. I watched as she headed down the long hall. Her quick glance back telling me she was good made me release a breath of fresh air.

She gots this

She can do it

Trying to suppress my worry I headed to the bar.

"Jack please." I asked the bartender.

"Sure thing sweetheart." She said. Her eyes were running up and down my body she also noticeabley bit her lip trying to look sexy and it didn't work.

There's only one bartender I want and only one lip bite I think is sexy but absolutely hate.

After she gave my glass I walked back to the dance floor. The music had returned back to normal and everyone was back to their small whispers.

I stood there making mental notes of everyone around me when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, my boy." A deep German accent spoke and I turned around revealing Jakob .

"Hey." I smiled back giving him a quick hug.

His eyes fell to the floor and he was holding in those emotions and questions I knew he needed to release.

I pulled him back into a hug.

"It's being taken care of you can breath." I whispered in his ear and as the words left my mouth a sob released his.

I held him close as he secretly wiped his tears away from those watching. It's not everyday you seem to Mafia Bosses hugging and for that long.

I'm just glad I was raised to have emotions because other wise he'd be left alone and that shit is scary as hell. As we speak Phoebe is killing his only son, He's becoming the end to the German mafia, and he has to come with terms his own son betrayed him. I couldn't be as strong as him. I'd break and I'm the strongest person I know.

After a few more minutes of reassurance and helping him gather himself he left. Sadly my moments of peace were shortly lived with another tap on my shoulder. I sighed turning to reveal the bartender from earlier.

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