Chapter 20: Mr. Orphan

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"Okay boy's who's taking me training today?" I smile at the three grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Your boyfriend." Ethan laughs and I roll my eyes.

It's been exactly 2 weeks since we started dating and I've been in absolute heaven. He's such a sweetheart and almost as funny as Hayden if he tries. We figured we might as well tell the others the day after because god only knows Asher can't keep his hands to himself.

Ethan and Hayden celebrated by both punching Asher and telling him he was a douche for waiting so long then hugging me.

I found it hilarious.

I've been with these guys for about 5 1/2 months I think maybe longer and according to them what Asher and I had was visible since the first night in the bar.

I still don't know how they seen it because it took me a good month and a half to even decide wether I liked him or not.

I was pulled out of thought by a pair of hands wrapping around my waist.

"Ready?" He questioned into my ear.

"Yessir." I smiled grabbing the Bike keys off the counter.

We both walked out into the garage and grabbed our helmets. He got on first and I followed wrapping my arms around him tightly. We took off towards the 'pit' I learned that's what the training and meeting wearhouse had been called.

When we reached the wearhouse I was met at the door by Mr. Orphan. I really learned his name is Rick but Mr. Orphan suits him better.

"Hey pipsqueak ." He greeted and I smiled.

"Hey Mr. Orphan." I said giving him a high five.

"Still that nickname?" He questions chuckling lowly.

"Someone's gotta be the mom who don't want you!" I yelled back at him while Asher dragged me down the hall.

Once we got to the training room I went straight towards the weights.

"What do you think your doing?" Asher questioned as he grabbed the 50lbs weight from my hand.

"Lifting?" I questioned confusedly.

"You've got enough muscles and six pack for now today we're fighting." He said and my eyes lit up.

I haven't been able to spar with one of the boys since I kicked Ethan's ass all those months ago.

"Okay" I said jumping up running towards the Matt.

"Your eager aren't you?" He teased taking off his shirt stepping into the ropes.

"Yes I am I haven't gotten to fight since I beat the shit out of Ethan." I jumped up and down taking off my loose shirt revealing my black sports bra and white biker shorts.

"Just take it easy on me." He laughed as we began circling each other.

"Never." I teased as he threw the first punch and I dodged it.

He threw another punch and when I went to dodge that one he threw his other fist out connecting with my rib cage. However he didn't hit me hard enough and when I threw a punch towards his face he was in shock he didn't hurt me so he didn't dodge it.
My fist connected with his nose and he grunted grabbing his nose so I took that as my chance to punch him in his rib cage .

As he doubled over he missed the punch to his face and he punched me in my rib cage again effectively knocking the wind of out me. I flew my body backwards and as I landed on the Matt knocking the wind back into me I kicked Ashers legs out from underneath him and he fell. I took this as my chance to get on top of him and straddle him. I continued throwing my fist into his chest, sides, and face.

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