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They say when you meet the love of your life time stops.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Yes my whole world changed and I'd like to think for the better but that could also be wrong.

I wasn't expecting to be thrown into the world I'm in now and I sure as hell didn't think he would come out of it all.

However time didn't stop, quite the opposite actually. I found my life to move by faster.

Once you become addicted to something it never goes away.

And that's what we are addicted.

When addicted you'll do anything to get your next fix and for us that involved fighting, murder, and risking our lives just to see the other breathing.

and even when your "sober" you'll always be addicted, that will always be your one true craving.

That's exactly what happened too.

We would set fire to the world around us and never let a flame touch the other because if we did...

... we'd destroy ourselves in the process.

Simply I was marked by him

And he was marked by me.

Marked By You Where stories live. Discover now