Chapter 38: Medic Now Answers Later

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I know it's been at least two days. The guys still haven't came and I don't know why. They should've noticed by now I wasn't back.

Hell my earrings and necklace have trackers inside them. Hayden and I rigged every piece of jewelry in the house with trackers because everybody at least had a ring or chain on.

I haven't figured out why they've kidnapped me yet but I do know they aren't going easy on me.

If I could guess I'd give myself a mild concussion, a broken finger, bruised ribs, two stab wounds that should have stitches and more cuts and bruises then I appreciate.

I haven't seen Malachai since that time he came in when I first woke up. Instead it's been a man named Chase. He doesn't speak much and only talks when he wants to learn things about me. Other than that he's quiet.

If I could guess he feels bad.

He winces when he harms me and never in the slightest makes eye contact.

I may just have felt bad for him except he's the reason I look like I was hit by a bus.

I've had time to study the room well enough but nothings changed.

If I wanted I could easily break out of the chair but I need the right moment.

I haven't eaten, pissed, or anything in 2 days.

It's getting real rough over here.

And again I was pulled out of my timeless rant by the metal door opening.

"Hello Chas- oh" I greeted but my face fell when I see Kai.

"Hello gorgeous." He smiled walking over towards me and I internally cringed.

"What do you need?" I sneered.

He came up closer and ran his fingers across my cheek.

"You." He smiled pointing his finger in my face so I did the reasonable act and bit his finger as hard as I could.

I felt a crunch and heard a blood curdling scream then my head swung backwards and the pain that shot through my eye was greeted pleasantly by my whole body falling backwards and the chair breaking underneath me.

I stood up quickly and went to through a punch at Kai but he was already running out the door and locking it behind him.

I ran up to the door banging on it.

"You're such a fucking pussy Malachai !" I screamed and decided to finally go pee after my fit.


"This is bullshit I want my bestfriend back." Hayden grumbled from the stool beside me.

It's been two days since Phoebe left to go on her "date" but she hasn't returned. She's been texting Hayden constantly and saying she's okay she just decided to stay with Malachai for a few days because she was enjoying his company.

That was a major Red Flag but the pictures he's been receiving seem to prove me wrong.

I guess she feels that her mission isn't important enough.

"Seriously I might just kill my own cousin." Hayden said standing up.

"Either do it or quit your whining." I groaned.

"Pfft." He said.


"Im not eating that." I scrunches my nose at Chase.

"Please." He mumbled.

"I'll eat for you if you get me real food." I suggested.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and left once again.

A few minutes later he came back with a hot pocket and I laughed.

"Thank you." I said taking it from him.

"Be careful it's hot." He grumbled and I laughed again.

"Okay." I smiled.

I ripped the hot pocket in half and decided to blow on one part while walking towards Chase. I gave him my garbage.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"For what?" He questioned.

"This." I said and I took the other half of the hot pocket and shoved it in his eye.

He started screaming while I ran out of the room.

I was met with a long hallway and it only had three doors. One on the other end, the one I just came out of, and one in the middle on the right.

I decided to take my chances and duck into the first room on the right before anyone came after me.

Sadly my plan was ruined when I was met with a room full of men and Malachai staring at me.

"H- Heyyy." I stuttered out.

Malachai had his gun drawn and walked up to me.

"Let's go Phoebe." He sneered as he lead me out into the hallway.

When we got out there Chase was rubbing his eye coming out of my 'room'.

"God damn it Chase, take her back." Malachai ordered waving his gun.

"No." I smiled and kicked the gun out of his hands. It landed next to me but while he jumped down to get it I kicked him as hard as I could in the head sending him in the opposite direction and passing out cold.

I bent down and grabbed the gun before quickly unloading a bullet into his head and then into Chases.

At the noise the men in the room all ran out with their guns aimed at me.

This time I got a better look at them.

These guys were all apart of the Italian mafia.

If I remember right we do have an alliance with them but them knowing I was kidnapped doesn't seem right.

Before anyone had anytime to registered anything I farted out the door and ran as fast as I could.

It took my up some stairs to which I made a left and ran through was seemed to be a kitchen and then a living room.

I ran out the first door with a window I seen and was brought outside in the middle of a run down sub division.

These guys need to learn their targets better, I know exactly where I'm at.

I broke the window of the first car I seen and hot wired it to start.

As soon as I was in I ripped out of there like a bat straight out of hell and didn't stop until I was home.


I ran inside ignoring the fact I ripped open the cut and I was bleeding all over the place.

"Asher Fucking Williams." I screamed as I made my way to the kitchen.

The next thing I know all three guys were running in and they all had angered and worried expressions on their face.

The next thing I remember was Asher walking up to me.

"What's happened?" He asked sounding genuinely worried.

"Medic now answers later." I managed to say and I guess then my body began to finally shut down and heel knowing I was safe because the next thing I knew I was surrounded by darkness.


Authors note:

Another shorter chapter. I now have a full plan on what I intend on doing so hang in there don't leave us yet.

Word count: 1154

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