Chapter 6: Beautiful

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                         **PHOEBE'S POV**

It's finally Friday, I just finished my last training session for this week and I couldn't be happier. Training is boring as hell. Since Monday I've only worked with Hayden. He refuses to fight me so I'm stuck with the weights and running. Hayden has been pushing me and I just want to hit him. We run A LOT and it's dumb but he's getting me there. I can now run 2 whole miles in 25 minutes. I don't know if that's good but Hayden says it is.
I can also deadlift 170lbs not at good as Hayden's 280 but I'll get there.

Right now we're in his car on the way back to the house. This weirdo is literally listening to Blank Space by Taylor Swift and is singing his heart out like he relates to every word.

He also has only had one girl friend and she's the only person he's ever slept with even though he's never dated anyone else I know he broke the last girls heart not the other way around so how he can sing this with so much passion is beyond me.

We pulled up to the house mid song and he whined when I opened the door and the music shut off.

"Quit being a baby and get out." I said jumping out of the car. He listened thankfully as we both walked into the house. Like always we made our way to the kitchen and the other two were already there.

"I keep forgetting to ask why we hang out in the kitchen." I said looking at everyone grabbing some water out of the fridge.

"I honestly have no clue it just happens." Asher said drinking some chocolate milk.

" Got it." I laughed sitting next to Ethan on a stool. Poor guys still has a black eye and busted lip.

He loves me

"Hey now that you guys are home I got to tell everyone something." Asher said looking up from the glass in his hand.

"Your gay? Knew it!" Hayden yelled while running to hug Asher. This resulted in Asher punching him in the jaw.

"No you fucking asshole." He rolled his eyes looking back to me and Ethan. "I know it's short notice but tomorrow night there's a ball being thrown . We have to go." He said nodding towards a paper on the table.

I grabbed the paper and looking it over. The ball is being held in Costa Rica? Jeez fancy much.

I looked over the paper more. It stated that no weapons are allowed. This ball is strictly business and nobody will shed even a drop of blood.

Too bad my knives go everywhere with me.

And just like the dumb minder reader he is.

"I will strip search you Phoebe no damn knives." Asher said shaking his head with a small smile.

"I wasn't goi-" I started but was cut off.

"Please, I know you." He retorted.


But he's a pretty one

Fuck the fuck off.



"Whatever." I said reading further. I finally came to the signature. Antonio Hernandez would be the host. I remember him from the stupid logic training and shit. He's the leader of the Spanish Mafia.


"I have people coming in the morning to do your hair and makeup. Don't stab them because your getting up early." Asher said staring at me with a knowing look.

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