Chapter 29: Dinner Time

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"Yeah, we understand." Asher spoke into the phone.

There was another minute or two of the person talking till he spoke again.

"With that kind of busy we're going to need to prepare for at least 2 days." Asher said clearly getting a little stressed.

"Blake I understand but don't forget what your place is." Asher said again now he's visibly agitated pumping his fist so he doesn't punch something.

"Who's he on the phone with." Hayden came in and whispered to me.

"Blake, the dude I met before Oliver in the basement. " I replied trying to hear Asher as he walked to the other room.

The last thing I caught before he was to far was "yeah we'll do it ."

"This is probably going to be some dumb mission they can do themselves." He sighed.

"That's the whole reason they wanted us. They couldn't handle the other gangs competition especially the all girl club 'the pink skulls'." I laughed more to myself.

"Such a shame. If your afraid of a girl you have to become her bestie. Isn't that right boat?" Hayden laughed pushing off the counter and giving my cheek a quick kiss.

"Sure is Beaner." I laughed walking over to the fridge and popping a grape into my mouth.

Hayden and I decided to sit there and throw grapes at each other to try and catch them in our mouths and Hayden was actually doing good until Asher walked back in. Then the grape hit Hayden in his eye. After laughing I turned to Ash.

"What was all that about?" I asked motioning towards his phone.

"Oliver and Blake need our help in stealing the pink skulls weapon delivery that's happening Friday." Asher sighed

"It's Wednesday." Hayden deadpanned.

"I know. Oliver is sending us the layout and blue prints of the wearhouse now. We're going to study them for the rest of the night and tomorrow we will be training and running over the plan." Asher said grabbing his chocolate milk.

"That sounds lovely." Ethan said as he put his chin on my shoulder.

"I know right." I laughed.

"Go grab Rose." I hit Hayden in his thigh.

"Ow women okay, no need to be harmful." He said sounding distraught.

"Oh there's always need for that." I smiled.


I'm sitting in Ashers lap as he goes over the blueprints with everybody. The wear house isn't even that big and really open so it's going to be very hard but very easy.

A quick in and out mission but you have to deal with people and a possible fight there's no wear to hide. It's not like it's a mafia when everyone has all different types of weapons you can dodge or stop either. It's a gang. Guns and switch blades.

I'm not worried because Ethan and Hayden promised to use guns instead of their hands. Rose is the best gunsmen I know other than Ash and I was also informed Rick and a few others are coming.

"Do you guys understand the plan?" Asher asked.

"Go over it one more time." I said and he sighed.

"God damn it Phoebe pay the fuck attention." He yelled basically pushing me off him while he stood up.

I looked at him shocked and without a word just turned and left.

While I was walking down the hallways I heard Ethan.

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