Chapter 41: Size Small Right?

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"Did I just see you kiss Asher?" Hayden smirked as I made a drink.

"No." I deadpanned.

"Liar." He pushed.

"So?" I smiled and he laughed.

"Just be careful Ma." He said and I turned to look at him. I kissed the corner of his mouth and whispered.

"Don't get to jealous darling."

"I will never be jealous of the second choice." He smiled kissing my cheek and I laughed.

"I know, careful is all I'm gonna be." I smiled and he pulled me into a side hug.

"I'm not changing anything cause your talking again, I still get my sleepovers." He deadpanned and I nodded my head.

"Yes sir." I said in a monotone voice and with that he slapped my ass and ran away.

I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about being with Hayden instead of Asher. Hell I thought that when I first met them I didn't even think about Asher but now I don't think I'd change a thing.

I'd never want to lose Hayden the way I just lost Asher wether were working on it or not.

I'm okay with losing Asher like that but at the end of the day I don't even think that means I love him. Or it means I do.

I'm still figuring that part out.

The rest of the night was spent partying. The first person didn't go down until 3:00am. Since everyone's shit faced we decided to camp out at the beach. A little risky but I have a feeling not all of us are going to sleep.

I took away everyone's keys, had to hold Oliver at gunpoint because there's no way in hell I'm losing him if he gets in a wreck on that bike.

I just got him back and I barley have gotten time with him. He's not getting out that easily.

Besides Oliver though everyone was more than pleased to give me their keys. We even made huts out of towels or people slept on straight sand or on tables. Some in the bed of the trucks too.

Hayden made us a little 'bedroom' in the bed of Gia's truck because she was sleeping inside in the seats.

When I got in and laid down he climbed in after making sure we had a puke bucket.

"Tonight was amazing, thank you so much." I smiled at him.

"Your welcome I know I'm awesome." He teased and I laughed.

He took his usually spot between my legs clinging onto my stomach while we slowly drifted off.

However before we fell asleep he felt the need to add. 'If you puke on me I will puke back.'


I woke up to the hot sun blazing down in my skin, Hayden was sprawled out and snoring.

I looked up over the tailgate to see almost everyone up and some people began to party some more.

Fucking bikers.

When I jumped out of the back of the truck everyone greeted me with good mornings. Gia even made me oatmeal over the fire.

"Looks like this became a weekend party." Asher laughed as he sat down next to me.

"We're not going home till Sunday."Ethan added taking a quick bite of my food.

"It's fucking Wednesday loser. Oh my." I said in a shocked tone.

Who parties this long.

"However there is a group going back to the house and another group going to some stores. People are buying tents, blankets, pillows, more coolers, ice, alcohol, food, regular drinks, and someone mentioned yard games and cards." Gia smiled.

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