Chapter 51: Adelaide Elizabeth Knight

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As I woke up I just seen white. There was white everywhere. The only reason I knew I was a live was the pain in my stomach and the doctors next to me talking.

I looked around and as my eyes adjusted I seen that I was obviously in a hospital room. However there was a lot of IV's I was connected to. One even hooked into my stomach.

"Oh good, your awake." The nurse said as she wrote down on her clip board.

"Where is my family?" I asked and she smiled.

"In the waiting room, they've all refused to leave." She said and I smiled.

"How long have I been here?" I asked and she checked the clipboard.

"Almost two days." She said with a sad smile and I looked up to her.

"Why does my stomach hurt more than usual after being stabbed?" I questioned and her eyes shot open.

"You don't know?" She gasped.

"Know what?" I laughed as I tried sitting up.

"Ms. Knight, your pregnant." She said and I paused in my actions.

"I'm fucking what?" I questioned in disbelief.

"You're pregnant, that stab nearly killed the baby. However we were able to stabilize and save him." She said and I almost choked.

"I can't do this." I croaked put a tear escaping my eye.

"Oh yes you can." She tried reassuring me.

"No, no I can't. The dad died the day I came here." I croaked and her face fell.

"Oh I am so so sorry. We can Um, get you some paperwork for help." She muttered and I shook my head.

"I just want my family." I sighed.

She nodded and hurried out of the room.

Not only do I feel empty without him but not I have to do this without him.

What the actual fuck.

(4 week jump)

"This place is beautiful Phoebe." Lexa smiled standing next to me over looking some garden I found with Asher one day after getting lost.

"It was the best spot to spread his Ashes." I mumbled and she hugged me.

"The guys have everything packed up take your time." She said walking over to the cars.

I sat down and fiddled with the ring I had his ashes put into.

"I miss you, so much." I started.

"I know we fought and I went without you but I knew when I really need you, you would still be there. Now I need you most and your gone for good. I guess that's what I took for granted.
I feel so fucking empty without you. I haven't slept in my bed at all. I have washed anything in your room and all your body soap and body spray I bought more of so I cold always smell you. I'm desperate man, I'm so fucking lost." I said as tears fell down my face.

"We're having a baby..." I added. "You would've been so excited. This is all you've ever wanted." I laughed rubbing my stomach.

"It's been 4 weeks since the hospital and according to them I'm 19 weeks pregnant. It's fucking crazy. But you can definitely tell I'm showing now." I smiled wiping my tears.

"She would've been your little princess." I smiled at the thought of him being a girl dad.

"I just wanted to tell you, and tell you how much I love you and always will." I finished crying a little more now.

"Until we meet again my love." I whispered kissing my ring.

I carefully got up and headed over towards the cars.

"You okay?" Hayden asked as I got into the back seat with him.

"No, but I will be." I sighed rubbing my stomach.

"Slushees?" Ethan asked starting the car.

"No, I'm craving chocolate milk." I smiled to myself as everyone nodded knowingly.


"Hayden I have literally 5-6 months left." I laughed as he struggled to assemble a emerald green crib. He wanted her theme to match my rooms until she got her own and knew what colors were.

"Somehow you already have a name so I get to do this early with no thinking to." He stuck his tongue out at me as he popped in the last piece.

"Adelaide Elizabeth Knight." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever it is pretty I guess." He mumbled putting the mattress in the crib and moving towards the wall next to my bed.

He has already got a diaper changing station set up and her own part of my closet put it. It's pretty big may I add and he already stocked it with clothes.

Hayden being excited is an understatement.

"I'm going to be the best uncle ever." He cheered.

"She's going to get so confused one day when you randomly call me baby mama." I smiled and he laughed.

"That's okay I'd always reassure her that her daddy was in fact way hotter than me." He smiled and I snorted throwing a pillow at him.

"Get out I'm tired asshole."

And so he did.

After I knew he was gone I turned on one of Ashers old favorite movies and went through the pictures on my phone.

It's been 4 weeks and the only things that's gotten easier was being able to fake my happiness around the others.

In reality I'm still torn apart, I feel empty. Every time I need him I play with my ring or go through pictures.

I now have the gun I made him and I always where his snake ring I got him too the chain I got him is hung around my rear view mirror

I always am in his shirts it's kind of unhealthy.

But desperate time call for desperate measures.

The only one who really bugs me a lot is Hayden. The rest know I need space but Hayden says my head is my worst enemy and he'd me damned if he lost me to.

The guys are hurt. Hayden especially so he's put all his time in distracting himself with the baby and I.

Ethan quit talking again which I figured would happen.

The rest are sad but aren't as phased because they weren't as close with him.

All I know is I'd give anything to just hear his laugh one more time.
Authors note: this is the official final chapter. I will have one last one maybe that takes place in the future so we can see the baby and how everything has turned out.

I love all of you so much thank you for making this possible.

Word count: 1100

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