I am Freaking Mad

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I can't with them anymore!

So I offered my friend that if theyneeded a place to stay for a few nights to get away from a badsituation he was welcome to stay at our place. Knowing that thiswasn't my home to open I talked to my parents and they flipped out.They wanted to call my friend's parents and let them know ofeverything they had heard. I knew this was a bad idea and I expressedthat.

I don't know why I thought they wouldunderstand any of this. They are closed-minded people who can't trust.

I know they want to avoid invitingdrama into their home but I don't want that either. What I want isfor my friend to be safe. To be able to have a place to go if theyneed support. I am so tired of their crap.

What's worse is that my pastor istaking both sides. I know he wants what's best for my friend's familybut he is either lying to me or my parents and has done so repeatedlyand I am fed up. I am fed up with my parents defining who I am toeveryone else. They are talking to my pastor about me and either they are telling him things about me that aren't true or he is usingthe past me as who I am now. Either way, I am done with all of it andI am about ready to go off on someone.

I want so badly to protect my friend.And I know that isn't truly possible but I thought that maybe notbeing in that environment might help them to have a betterperspective on things.

And it's not like my friend is a kid.They're an adult. They just live with their parents right now andtempers are starting to flare there.

I am trying to trust God on this. Iknow that my friend is gonna be ok in the end but everyone needsrest. I don't want them to run from this but they can't go withoutrest.


I am less angry now and I can tell you that I am still mad at them but I am better now. I also can tell you that my friend is fine they are just in a draining situation.

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