another thing that was supposed to be posted earlier

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So Sinead texted him.

And he immediately responded.

I am here for the drama, so the three of us immediately went to Waffle House as she was texting him.

It turns out that her cheating on him caused his divorce. And he was finalizing that divorce when he met me. That's probably why he had them as their lock screen. And I was right; I was a rebound.

Apparently, I am a magnet for broken individuals. For the record, I had a hunch that she had cheated. He kept asking why questions as if he needed to know where he stood with me. That's how I knew we had similar trauma. I respected the need to know where he stood. I understand that.

I also confirmed that he wasn't a liar. He said some stuff to Sinead that 100% lined up with what he said to me. His music taste, his occupation, and where he lives are all the same. Even the fact that he wants to settle down and have kids is the same.

He was kinda flirting with her (If I had met you before, I wouldn't forget you), but I have a feeling that that is his natural charisma.

(don't worry, typing those last two words made me want to hurl)

Quite frankly, I don't know how to feel about this.

He was super nice, really respectful, and shared a couple of my hobbies. I don't feel drawn toward him or away from him.

It does sound like he was a good guy. I'd feel really bad if I lost him.

I guess I shouldn't feel bad unless I believe that was my only shot at love or whatever.

But I don't know how to feel.

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