Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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The story started at the Duck Manor...

Haruki: Muraku.

Muraku: Sorry I woke up late. Let's go, we might get late.

Haruki: Okay.

Muraku and Haruki walked together to go to Kamui Daimon Academy.

Muraku: Haruki.

Haruki: Hm?

Muraku: I wonder how is Arata now.

Haruki: Yeah...I miss his naughtyness.

After the walk, they reached Kamui Daimon and entered their room.

Hikaru: Hey! Why you two are late?

Muraku: I woke up late.

Vanessa: Eh? Is that really true? The Violet Devil woke up late?

Mikhail: It's just normal.

Then Instructor Saruta came to their room.

Saruta: Sit down. I have something to announce. Today, you'll meet your new adviser. Come in.

Yuno: Huh? New adviser?

Then a brown haired man in glasses wearing red sweater and black pants came in.

Saruta: Everyone, meet Mr. Yamano Ban.

Hikaru: Did he just say Yamano?!

Sakuya: You don't mean...

Sakuya raised his hand and stood up.

Sakuya: Um, if you don't mind can I ask what is your relation to Professor Yamano Junichirou?

Ban: Oh! The man behind the creation of LBXs? He's my father.

Jenock students: EEEHHH???

Saruta: I'll leave now.

Ban: Okay Instructor Saruta.

Saruta left.

Vanessa: Muraku. Muraku. Hey Muraku.

Muraku: Hm?

Vanessa: To think that our adviser is the son of the creator of LBXs, I'm sure that Jenock will be stronger than anyone!

Muraku: ( Something mysterious about his arrival here. I feel like he was sent here by someone. )

Vanessa: Right, Muraku? Hey Muraku!

Ban: Is there something wrong Miss Vanessa?

Vanessa: N-nothing sir.

Ban: Ok let's start the homeroom. Mr. Izumo Haruki please stand up.

Haruki: Huh?

Haruki stood up.

Ban: From now on, you'll not be the class president anymore. You'll be the srategy planner for every mission of Jenock in short you're my assistant.

Haruki: But, who will replace me as the president sir?

Ban: Is Houjou Muraku present?

Muraku: Sir.

Ban: Oh there you are. You will be the class president.

Muraku: M-me? Why sir?

Ban: Nothing. I just want you to be the president. And one more thing, now that you are the president, you are not allowed ti have any new LBX besides your Magna Orthus. It can have maintenance it upgrade parts but you can't have a new LBX. That's a challenge on you Houjou Muraku.

Muraku: Yes sir.

Hikaru: Muraku...

Ban: If you want to do something, you can do anything. Muraku come with me.

Muraku: Yes sir.

Ban and Muraku left the room and went to the rooftop.

Mikhail: I wonder why Mr. Ban called Muraku.

At the rooftop...

Muraku: Uh, sir what are we doing here?

Ban throwed a D-Cube at their center.

Ban: I want you to have a battle with me.

Muraku: Are you serious sir?

Ban: Yes I am.

Without knowing, Mikhail, Vanessa and Hikaru followed them at the rooftop and hid behind the door.

Hikaru: ( A battle between Muraku and the son of LBX creator...)

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