Chapter 39: The White Ace

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All of them are still unbelievable when they saw Furei's platoon as part of Jenock's Twelfth platoon.

Daiki: As we all know the rules of Kamui Daimon. So Glenstein have to send one of their platoon to other virtual country that will be done by the decision making from the Management at the mainland after losing much of their territories.

Furei: Akamari Furei.

Saki: Mitome Saki.

Akashi: Rojishiro Akashi.

Jero: Torikawa Jero.

Furei, Saki, Akashi, Jero: Nice too meet you all.

Daiki: Your seats are there. Go now to your seats.

The Twelfth platoon went on their seats.

Daiki: Hiroto will be arriving with Jin later before War Time. Eighth platoon, make sure Hiroto don't use that power over and over again. It would be more better if he'll just use his normal Overload because that is the ability he was used to already.

Seredy: Hiroto...Where did you got that power...

Daiki: Let's start the homeroom. But befor that, the Third platoon discovered one of our hidden territories, it's the Baykyou Fortress. Beginning homeroom...

After the homeroom, the bell rang for break time.

Saki: I really thought that they're gonna change our LBX to those DC series.

Akashi: Don't be so hard on it Saki. They just changed the color and name to classify it as a Jenokian LBX like what Chiro's LBX. It's a Gunther of Rossius but they just changed the color. In our case, yours will be J-Yuugfrao, and mine will be J-Reve.

Jero: Um, Furei...I'm planning to make a new LBX for you. Odin M can't keep up now on the battlefield. Things are getting stronger especially the Lilacron and Muraku's Magna Orthus. You have to be on the same standards with them.

Furei: No. I won't change my Odin Militas. I can do this. I can defeat them!

Furei left.

Akashi: Hey Furei! Wait for us!

Saki: Jero. Aren't you coming?

Jero: No...Just go.

Saki and Akashi followed Furei.

Rinko: Planning to make a new LBX for Furei?

Jero: Huh? Who're you?

Rinko: Namino Rinko. Third platoon's mechanic

Reiki: I'm Reiki. Eleventh platoon's mechanic.

Jero: What are you doing here?

Rinko: We heared your conversation with Furei.

Reiki: Furei already attached himself to Odin M. For me, he believes that his Odin M can still keep up with the stronger enemies until the end.

Jero: That's the problem...He got defeated by Lilacron while defending Mordono City.

Rinko: If you wouldn't mind we can help you create a new LBX for Furei.

Reiki: The LBX that will change Furei's insight. Also, make him realize that there is no permanent in this world. It's his own destiny that makes his paths to the right way. You can't just stay on the things that you're only used to but try other things too.

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