Chapter 25: Success Through Teamwork!

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At the North City, Giga Droid 3....

Hiroto: Let's go Seredy!

Seredy: Haaaaahhh!!!

Phantom flew and swifly repetedly pierce Giga Droid while D-Ezeldee followed it with sword bits.

Seredy: Hiroto! You attack the wire joints at the legs and arms first! I'll focus on the main body!

Hiroto: Okay!

D-Ezeldee deactivated the D-Wing and commanded the sword bits to attacl the wire joins freely. Meanwhile at Giga Droid 1...

Andrei: Urgh! You're making me sick! Dot Blaze!

Dot Blaze rapidly rained shots the Giga Droid 1 from the above.

Christine: You're mine!

Pallas Athena pierced the left leg wire joint through.

Christine: It's stunned! Now's your chance!

Itan: Koga! Let's go!

Koga: Okay!

Gruxeon and Val Diver slashed one of the joints while the others kept firing and attacking.

Muraku: We have to finish this before the War Time ends! Overload!

Muraku's Overload activated. Magna Orthus swiftly slashed the remaining joints of the legs.

Arata: My turn! Overload!

Arata's Overload activated. Dot Acer released numerous slashes with his D Sword and slashed the joints of the right arm.

Yuuya: Tsk.

Hikaru: Haruki! Launch a cannon attack! Vanessa and Mikhail! Use your Belial Rifle and keep firing after I attack!

Vanessa and Mikhail: Okay!

Haruki: Attack Function!

-CCM-: Attack Function: Tri Cannon

Trivhine transformed to three cannon launcher then stored laser cannon and fired it at the left arm.

Mikhail and Vanessa: Hyaahh!!!

The two Gunther Mzuphar fired a strong laser shot at the left arm. Then Orvane shot the Giga Droid 1 on the chest.

Gendou: It's a shot!

Christine: For the final shot! Attack Function!

-CCM-: Attack Function: Golden Spear

Pallas Athena's Pallas Spear turned gold and surrounded by gold energy then Pallas Athena throwed the spear at the main chest of the Giga Droid 1.

Arata: We did it!

At Giga Droid 2...

Kageru: All RA Riders! Use your Charge Lance and Grand Rifles!

The Jenock Riding Armors used their Charge Lances and began attacking the Giga Droid 2.

Togami: Now it's our turn Argander! Use the Grand Rifle!

The Argander Riding Armors used their Grand Rifles and fired the Giga Droid 2 until it explodes.

Jaycee: Done!

Giga Droid 3...

Seredy: Overload!

Seredy's Overload activated. Phantom's Demons Lance lighted and released pierces.

Seredy: Hiroto! Nail it!

Hiroto: I'm on it! D-Wing!

D-Ezeldee's sword bits formed into a wing and attached it on the back.

Hiroto: Attack Function!

-CCM-: Attack Function: Destiny Wing

D-Ezeldee's sword bits lighted up and enlarged then D-Ezeldee striked at the Giga Droid 3.

Hiroto and Seredy's Overload deactivated.

Seredy: We did it!

Yuuya: Not bad, Jenock and Argander.

After defeating the three Giga Droids, the Jenokian LBXs proceeded to the flag. The alarm of the Second World rang.

Voice: The point has been captured. Ownership of North City will be transferred from Rossius to Jenock. Cease fighting immediately. All units under Rossius, please evacuate from the premises of North City.

After the War Time, Jenock and Argander met in the command room of Argander.

Ban: Thanks for helping Jenock out there.

Muraku: It's our duty sir. You are part of the alliance.

Haruki: Thanks again.

Sendou: You may now go home.

Ban: You too Jenock.

Both classes went on their way home.

Sendou: I can't believe what thosd students got.

Ban: Yeah. I'm sure they will be strong too just like us.

Sendou: We must train them more.

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