Chapter 52: Reality

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Muraku and the others are still facing Hiro's D-Regiudea and Takuya's Cylon that is equipped with Cylongarter X.

Muraku: I can't take this...

Muraku's control pod opened and he ran out of the underground base to confront Hiro

Muraku: Mr. Hiro!

Hiro: Houjou Muraku. What brings you here?

Muraku: Why are you doing this? Don't you remember? You're one of the legendary world protectors, the Seekers!

Hiro: Seekers? It sounds lame. I'll answer your question, why are we doing this. Our main objective is to make everything real so people can realize that they are fooled by the things that is only a simulation and wake up to reality.

Muraku: But those simulations keeps the safety of the world! Like the Second World at Kamui Daimon! All of us students helped each other to rebuild the Second World as a playtime for us after classes, not for participation at proxy wars.

D-Regiudea slashed Magna Orthus away.

Rikuya: Muraku...

Hikaru: Twelfth platoon! We'll protect Muraku at the same time, we'll fight D-Regiudea!

Twelfth platoon: Okay!

Hiro: In short, you wasted your time building and fixing that whole "another Earth" diorama just for playtime. That's why we created the True Second World that is quadruple the size of Second World to show people what real LBX war is like and what a real war is!

D-Regiudea clashed swords with Magna Orthus.

Muraku: Even Magna Orthus is in Tyrant Mode, he can still deal damage on it...!

Hikaru: Go!

Arata: Let's go Dot Cypher!

Hiro: Huh?

Dot Cypher and Val Astroth boosted and crossed slashed D-Regiudea then fused it with shots that came from J-Yuugfrao.

Saki: We'll use this opportunity as a soldier fighting in a real war to fight against you terrorists!

Hiro: Tsk.

At Tokiosia Park...

Hiroto: Haaaaaahhh!!!

D-Ezeldee rained sword arrows on Cylongarter X and switched to Ezeldine Lance and released pierces around the Cylongarter X.

Haruki: It's stronger than before...

Mikhail: Not just that, the laser barrel's door at the chest is more tougher and closes quick.

Seredy: I've got a plan! Chiro and Haruki will be the one to hit the laser barrel. The rest of us will be the decoy until the laser barrel opens then Chiro and Haruki will use their attack functions to destroy it.

Haruki: Got it!

Kageru: This Cylongarter X will go down for sure!

Seredy: Chiro! Activate the Blastarm Mode!

Chiro: Roger!

-CCM-: Blasarm Mode!

Gunther Blastarm is equipped with the Multi Weapon Rack at the back. Then the full powered long-range weapons appeared at the Multi Weapon Rack.

Chiro: Ready!

Seredy: Start!

Phantom and the others alligned in front of the Cylongarter X and launched long-range attacks. When the laser barrel opened and released a strong laser that caused a huge aperture around Tokiosia Park, they scattered.

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