Chapter 53: Arrival on the Mainland

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After the huge clash that happened yesterday, all of them are still tired.

Kageru: Huh? Hiroto, you're so early.

Hiroto: Oh, good morning Kageru. I'm just thinkin' about something.

Kageru: What is it?

Hiroto: The Second Platoon when we're still on Argander and now, Eighth Platoon when we became part of Jenock.

Kageru: So, what about that?

Hiroto: Koga...

Kageru: I see. You're still remembering the days with just the four of us, me, you, Koga and Mark.

Hiroto: If I only have the power to change Koga's mind, I will definitely use that power to him.

Kageru: Power? You already have one.

Hiroto: What do you mean?

Kageru: D-Ezeldee. D-Ezeldee is your power. Not just that, you have your Overload too.

Hiroto: Kageru...

Kageru: Why don't we fix our LBX?

Hiroto: Sure.

Hiroto and Kageru began fixing their LBX. The others woke up and some of them trained early and fix their LBXs too.

At the Meeting Room...

Zaizen: What's the result?

Jin: Still the same, Prime Minister Zaizen. NICS can't be contacted right now even Kamui Island.

Zaizen: Yagami. Where's Rikuya?

Yagami: Rikuya! I forgot! He's still at the Diet!

Yagami left the underground base and quickly ran to the Diet to get Rikuya.

Yagami: Rikuya! Rikuya! Where are you?! Wait, the control pod!

Yagami went to the control pod room where Rikuya is then he saw Rikuya's control pod is still closed.

Yagami: Rikuya! Answer me! Are you okay there?! Rikuya!

Then he removed the rocks that is piled around the control pod. After he remove the rocks, Yagami pressed the button and Rikuya's control pod opened.

Yagami: Rikuya!

Rikuya: Sir...Ya...gami..

Yagami carried Rikuya and rushly went back to the undeground base.

Muraku: Rikuya! Sir Yagami, what happened?

Yagami: He's in his control pod for a long time. It seems he can't escape because a pile of rocks is stuck around.

Ami: This way Mr. Yagami.

Ami escorted Yagami to the health room and layed Rikuya to the bed.

Ami: I'm sure that Rikuya just need a little rest.

Yagami: I hope so. Thanks Ami.

Ami and Yagami went back to the briefing room.

Jin: Gather up. We'll now begin the mission briefing. I'm sure that all of you are aware about the arrival of Drizentine here in the mainland. And I'm very sure that they will aid Hiro in destroying the Diet.

Muraku: They're really targeting the Diet...

Jin: We will all be in charge at the Diet.

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