Chapter 54: The Promise

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Jin discovered that, if they defeat the LBX of a Seeker, the player's control collar wears off.

Jin: Ami! You know what to do! We'll defeat them one by one.

Ami: Why don't we start with Jeanne D!

Pandora and Zenon rushed to Jeanne D and attacked it simultaneously.

Jessica: Attack Function.

-CCM-: Attack Function: Sidewinder 8

Jeanne D spinned in the air and unleashed 8 rockets from her hand.

Zenon and Pandora managed to evade the rockets and attacked Jeanne D at at the back.

Jessica: Jeanne D!

Control Collar: Unit Break Over. Commencing shock.

A slight electric shock came out of Jessica's control collar then it wore off her neck. Jessica's control pod opened.

Yagami: Jessica!

Yagami carried Jessica out ofr her control pod then Yagami put Jessica and Asuka's hands on his shoulder and helped them to escape the room and put them in the van. Then, after putting Asuka and Jessica to the van, Yagami went back inside the control pod room.

When he went back, he saw a group of Tartanfeins at the room.

Yagami: General!

General began firing the Tartanfeins away from Yagami.

Yagami: Jin! Do you hear me?

Jin: Yes sir!

Yagami: Make it faster! There are LBXs here! General can't handle it alone.

Jin: Okay sir! We're now currently facing Aoshima Kazuya.

Yagami: Okay!

At the Diet...

Muraku: Haaah!!!

Magna Orthus boosted and slashed Lilacron at the right arm and leg.

Kitori: Tsk. You....!

Kitori's Overload activated. Lilacron bursted to the maximum limit and slashed heavily Magna Orthus.

Muraku: Urgh!

Hikaru: Val Astroth!

Val Astroth dashed from side to side but Jil Grave throwed his sword at Val Astroth and it hit the left leg joint.

Hikaru: Shit!

Arata: Hyaaaaahhh!!!

Dot Cypher slashed D-Caliper heavily then it exploded.

Arata: I did it!

Charlotte: Hmph.

When the smoke cleared, a gold and blazing LBX Caliper appeared.

Arata: What the....don't say....

Charlotte: The D-Armor was just a defense frame of my Caliper. Now, time to test up the Rage Mode!

Caliper charged behind Dot Cypher and did a slash combo t the back.

Arata: Damn!

Hiro: These pests....!

Seredy: Just keep attacking!

D-Regiudea can't deal an attack on each of them because of the simultaneous attack he is receiving.

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