Chapter 56

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My heart was caught in my throat. To the point that I swear if I would have opened my mouth it would have fallen out right there on the table. I stood behind him as he sat there fiddling with the gun that was sitting on the table for all to see. I don't know if he thinks its intimidating or what but he does it all the time. He always has a gun and everyone knows that he always keeps one but he flashes it around like it's some kind of secret that he has it. I stood behind him near the wall and stared straight forward to the doorway where kirsnick stood.

"It took you a while to get here. I was starting to think we took the wrong thing and you was just gonna leave em." he picked the gun up and turned it around to look down the barrel with one eye. He's childish.

"Well, getting this much money in cash aint easy." kirsnick replied plainly.

"But you did get all of it right, because I don't do payment plans. Your mother and law messed that up for you." he reached back and tapped my arm with the back of his hand, then sat and waited for a reply from kirsnick, when he didn't get one, he laughed and righted himself in the chair.

Kirsnick threw a large duffle bag on the table without a word. "You want me to stand around while you count I or what?" he asked

"You want to stand there while I could 100,000 in cash." he pulled his phone from his pocket and almost instantly a notification popped up on the street. "100 bands in cash and the rest to an off shore account."

He stood from his chair with a big smile. "I would sit here and count it, but I got a flight to catch, they don't taking kidnapping to lightly around here." he laughed again.


I really believe at this point that this nigga thinks his life is a tv show and he's some kind of cartoon character. I watched him get out of the chair he was sitting in and walk around the long table in the middle of the room to where the bag sat. He opened it up and grabbed as much money as he could with one hand and with the other, he reached into his pocket.

"One of yall got a blunt rolled?" he asked looking around. One of the guys went over and held one out to him. "light it nigga." he spat.

"Sorry," the guy replied and he took a lighter from his pocket before giving it to him. Guy took the blunt and placed it between his lips before proceeding to snap pictures on his phone. After he was done, he threw the money into the bag and took the entire bag and handed it to the same dude that had given him the blunt and told him to take it to the car.


His phone started to ring and he answered it. "Okay," he hung the phone up.

"Your girl got your kids, and you could just send the money a month to the same account." he said to me. "Oh, before I forget."

He trotted over to the chair that he had been sitting in and grabbed the gun from the table and without skipping a beat; he turned, aimed, and pulled the trigger.......... 

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