Chapter 6

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I was laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. Honestly I was debating on whether or not I was going to cook eggs or drive to the Waffle House on the corner and buy some eggs. On one hand I would be saving money but on the other I kind of wanted a waffle. My phone vibrated and I rolled over to grab it from the nightstand. It was a text from offset.

Set: come your pregnant ass outside right now

Me: Excuse me?

Set: girl come outside

I rolled off the bed and slipped on my house shoes before I went outside to the parking lot. I found him sitting in his car blasting music way too loud. I knocked on his window and he rolled it down.

"You tryna get me in trouble with those old bitches in the leasing office?" I asked him.

He turned the music down. "Get in," was all that he said in reply before he rolled the window back up.

I rolled my eyes and went around to the other side and got into the passenger's seat. "Are you going to tell me why you're making me come out here?" I asked him.

He turned his whole body and just stared at me. I was looking back at him waiting for him to answer. He sat there for what felt like forever just looking; he didn't look angry or happy, or like he was feeling any emotion at all.

"What?" I asked him.

He narrow his eyes. "Bruh," he said finally.


"Who's your baby for?" he asked.

Shit. "I can tell by the way you're looking at me that you already figured it out." I said.

"Holy shit Y/n." he said making a face. "How!? Why!?"

"Obviously I didn't do it on purpose," I said.

"When you gonna tell him?" he was calmer now and not yelling anymore. I don't understand why he's acting like this. Like my parent or something.

"I'm not," I confessed.

He turned to me again. "What? You're kidding me right?" I shook my head, and he started shaking his head at me.

"No," he said. "You can't do that shit. That's not cool."

"And who are you to swoop in and tell me what to do with my child?" I asked him. He opened his mouth to answer but closed his mouth. I could see him gritting his teeth but he still didn't look angry with me.

"You scared," he said. "And you're right I'm nobody to be telling you what to do but I know him. You keep this a secret and he finds out on his own or from somebody other than you he's going to flip and it's not going to end up good for anybody."

"How do you even know he wants a kid?" I asked him.

"I didn't when I found out about my first, but people change. Babies change you in ways nothing else will and I know he might seem like he doesn't give a shit about anything but don't let that make up your mind for you." he said.

He sat back in his seat and looked out the windshield. "Will you bring me to waffle house?"

He looked over at me and laughed. "Really bruh?"

"I wanna waffle." I replied. 

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