Chapter 29

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I was laying in bed when takeoff came home. He's been gone since earlier but I could tell that the look on his face that something was really wrong. He kicked his shoes off and got into the bed. I looked over at him and watched his face as he stared into the TV.

"She isnt mine," he said finally.


"Armani isnt mine," he said again. "and Fiona knew but she still tried to make me believe that she was mine.

"What happens now?" I asked him. I know it sounds weird but the thought of not having Armani anymore just doesn't seem right. She is a part of our family and since we had her most of the time I really grew attached to her. It was almost like she was mine.

He shook his head. "I don't know," he sounded as if he was going to tear up for a second but he kept the same cold, emotionless expression. This was tearing him up inside. As much as I know he hated FeeFee for the way that she acted he loved that little girl.

"his phone started to ring and he pulled it from his pocket. "I gotta go, quavo and offset wanna record."

"you sure you okay?" I asked as I watched him get up from the bed. He looks so small, so defeated.

He shook his head while slipping his feet into his shoes. "I don't know man, but I need the distraction." He walked over and leaned his body on the bed so he could lean down and kiss me. "I wont stay that long, I should be back in a couple hours."



It's been almost six months since Armani left and the house just hasn't been the same without her. Sure dealing with her mother was a struggle but having her was always a reward. I know that takeoff loved that little girl too. I havent been keeping tabs on her but I heard that the second guy she tested the one with the birthmark on his face was the father, but He skipped out on her and I really haven't heard anything about her since.

I was sitting in the green room with Kj watching the guys perform on the monitor. I would like to return to the side of the stage where I usually stand but the noise is too much for him and lights are too much for him. Maybe when he's older it'll get better but when he sees the flashing lights and all of the people he just starts to scream like someone was trying to kidnap him.

"you see daddy up there?" I asked said. Kj turned and looked at me with the same stoic look his father wore when he was out in public. He didn't like going to shows and he didn't like when we went out and people would crowd us to take pictures and look at him. When anyone he didn't know got too close he started to cry until they backed away and over the past couple months he found that when he screeches loud enough people back away and stay away so he's taken to screeching loudly like a monkey when he's uncomfortable or there is something that he wants.

"What's wrong with my grandson?" Takeoff's mother asked as she walked into the room.

"the security guard got too close," I said to her.

"I didn't do it on purpose." He said throwing his hands up. "I've been with you guys since he was born and he still acts like he doesn't know me."

"maybe he just doesn't like you." I said to him.

"that's messed up man, I thought we were cool." He said to Kj who looked him up and down before turning his attention to his grandmother. He only likes to be around a few people and even then, there are only a select few that he'll actually allow to touch him but other than me it seems like she's his favorite. When she comes into the room he practically jumps out of my arms to get to her.

"Hi my sweet baby," she cooed. He smiled and leaned himself toward her and she responded by taking him into her arms. He curled into her and laid his head on her shoulder.

"this is the sweetest little boy ever. He acts just like his daddy did at this age." She went over to the sofa and sat down. After the guys were done performing they came back into the room with us and after they did interviews and all that we got to leave.

I don't bring Kj to shows often because we always get home so late, but they were performing in town this weekend and there was no way take would let me skip the show. It was almost 2 in the morning when we got home. Takeoff and the guys had to take a late flight to be in Vegas for a show that they had tomorrow so I got the baby ready for bed and put him in his crib.

This is the times when I get lonely. Ever since I was released from leave I've returned back to work but I can't just jump up and travel the country with a brand-new baby so most of the time Im left here at home while takeoff is out of town.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal then brought sat down in the living room with it. I wasn't sitting down for more than ten minutes before I heard a loud bang on the front door. I set the bowl down then got up to see what it was. I was halfway to the door and I head another bang and this time the sound of the glass on the door being broken.

The lights were off so I peeked out the window near the door and looked out into the front yard. From the door, I could see someone in the yard but before I could get the door open they ran back to the street. Hopped into the car that was sitting there and took off. Their headlights were off so whoever it was didn't want to be seen but decided it was a good idea of bang on the door like that. It was probably just some crazy fan.

I turned on the porch light but when into the large potted plant next to the door and get the gun we kept hidden there. I hated having this thing in the house but I see now why take insisted that we have it here. I opened the door and looked out into the yard and it looked like somebody had come and thrown clothes all over the yard and in front of the door. I stepped back and looked at the door and I looked like somebody mighta kicked it.

I took my phone out of my pocket so that I could call take as I stepped further out of the house and that's when I saw it.

"Oh my god,"

"Hello?" I heard takeoff say into the phone that was pressed to my ear.

"You need to come home right now." i told him. 

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