Chapter 53

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I folded my arms over my chest and sat back in the chair I was seated in. They do this shit every week and they always tell us the same thing. They say that they're working on it but they havent gotten any new leads on the case. Every fucking week for almost two months they call us up here and have a whole meeting with us just to say that they havent found anything. I'm fed up with this shit. We been staying in a hotel until we can find a new place, my kids are still missing, and they arent doing anything to get my babies back home to me.

The asshole were even had the balls to send us a ransom note demanding 2.5 million for each child. They went over the note over and over but claim that there aint no fingerprints on it. Then they don't want to give us any information about the contact info that was on the note either.

"what the fuck are yall doing!?" I asked then. They got quiet. "i want you to get me my fucking kids. If we gotta give then the money then we will. I don't care. I want my kids to come home now!"

"that is the exact opposite of what we should do." the lead investigator told me. He wasn't the lead of anything. He was the lead of a bunch of useless idiots, that's what he was the lead of. "as easy as It may seem we cant just give them what they want. We havent even secured a location on your children to make sure that they're safe. You cant just go handing over millions and you don't even know if.....-"

His voice trailed off and he stopped talking. He didn't want to say that we don't know if my children are still alive. In the time that I've known them they're see me go through a range of different emotions. First it was disbelief, I didn't want to come to terms with the fact that someone could have so easily come into my house and take my children right out of their beds while they slept. Next was the sadness, I felt like I was worthless because I couldn't do anything to protect my children. I felt like a failure as a mother. Last was where we were sitting now, I was angry. Angry because they couldn't find my kids. Angry because this could all be over if they would just let us give them what they wanted, and angry because they werent doing anything to get me my kids back. They were just sitting like their hands were tied and they werent coming up with any ideas on what we could do.

"we don't know if they're alive right?" I asked. "that's what you're trying to say?"

"no," he said shaking his head.

"yes, it is," I said to him. "you think that they're not alive so you worried about catching the guys that took them. You're not worried about getting my babies back."

"Mrs. Ball that isnt-"

"i'm done with this."i got up from my seat and started toward the door. "nick, you can keep entertaining this shit if you want but I'm not going this shit anymore. If you aint gonna get my kids back then imma do it my fucking self."

I want out of the office and made my way outside to the car. Kirsnick was a few steps behind me because I'm guessing that he was trying to save face, but I don't give a damn no more. I'm gonna get my kids and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it.

I don't like this, and I know that you don't either but we have to cooperate with what they're doing." he said after we were in the car.

"Why?" I asked.

"we got everything that we need in order to do this ourselves."

"What do we have, a picture of a note that someone left in our mailbox?" he said. "we don't know shit about them-"

"but I know who does."

"What?" he asked.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and punched a few numbers. I watched his face as kirsnick sat looking at me like I was crazy.

"hello?" said a familiar voice through the phone.

"meet us back at the house," was all I siad before I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"we need to go back home," I replied.

"are you going to answer my question?" he asked.

"no," I replied.

We pulled up in front of the house and sitting on the front step was Yvonne. As soon as I came up the driveway and were in view of the house kirsnick slammed on the brakes.

"What the fuck is going on?" he asked me.

"i'm not going to sit here and let another month pass and I don't have my babies,"

"so you think that the best way to do that is to sit here and make small talk with the muthafucka that got our kids taken from us in the first place. All that nigga wanted was a few thousand dollars, you know how fucking easy that woulda been to hand over. They almost killed you, and they stole-"

"i know what they did," I said to him. "she knows him. I can bet you all the money in my pocket that she knows where he is and if she doesn't she can help us find him."

He sucked in a deep breath and sat back against the seat. "you like forcing my hand,"

"i'm not forcing anything. I'm gonna get shit done, and if I gotta do it myself then that's what imma do. I don't know about you but I'm fucking mad and if sitting down and have a conversation with her is gonna get me one step closer getting my babies back then imma skin and grin all damn day." I said. "i want every last nigga that walked into my house that night to pay for doing the shit they did. You don't have to support me if you don't want to but I'm doing this my way."

He looked over at me and laughed.

"What's funny?"

"you aint never even held a gun before. How you think that you about to go against some niggas like that by yourself." he asked I just shrugged.

"i can figure it out," I replied.

"and what typa man would I be to sit here on the side line while you figuring it out?" he asked. "the only reason i was going along with it was because i didnt think that you wanted me out here doin the shit that i used to do before i started making the type of money i am now. i came a long way from the street shit but it aint a long way back. i can take it all the way there and all you gotta do is give the word."

"this is me giving you the word. i want you to do whatever you have to do to get them back and make those niggas pay." I said to him. he nodded and looked out the front windshield toward where my mother sat on the front porch. 

"even if she helps us find the kids she can't come nowhere near our children again and I'm dead ass serious." he said.

"i understand." I said to him. "this is only about finding the kids. I'm not trying to invite her to come back and live with us."

"then let's do this. Let's get our kids back." 

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