Chapter 18

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I have never wished that I could make someone disappear more than I wish that I could right now. FeeFee wont leave me the hell alone and it's starting to work on my nerves. She calls me for everything; get her food, pick her up from work when she don't feel good, go to doctor's appointments, and just about everything else she could think of. I don't mind helping but honestly, I think that she's doing all of this so that I don't have time for anything or anybody else.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked as I handed her the bag of food she just had me buy. Seriously, 20 dollars at burger king just for her. She's gonna blow up like a house if she's not careful.

"nothing, I'm running late for the studio and you know this."

"well I was hungry, were you just gonna leave me to starve?" She asked. Here she goes.

"that big ass kitchen with all that fucking food in it and you talking about you was gonna starve?" I looked over at her stuffing fries in her mouth.

She rolled her eyes. "I cant cook"

"That's sad,"

"Why don't you get me a chef?" She said.

I couldn't stop myself from making a face at her. I do have a lot of money but she thinks that I just got money to throw at her for any little thing she wants. It's like she forgets that we arent in any type of relationship. "no,"

She snorted then said in a voice that she thought I wasn't gonna hear. "I bet if ole girl wanted a chef you'd get it for her."

"she has a job, so I don't have to do everything for her. She does for herself." I said. "and don't bring her up again."


"because she don't ever talk about you, but you do everything you can to say some foul shit about her and you don't even know the girl. We wasn't together when I was with her so leave her the fuck out of what goes on between me and you. Don't mention her no more!"

She sat back in the passenger seat and turned her back to me. The rest of the ride to her house was quiet. When I got to her house she grabbed her stuff and got out of the car. She turned around and used all of the strength she could come up with to slam my door shit. I would have rolled the window down and told her something about slamming my fucking door but im honestly tired of dealing with her today.

I pulled away from her house and just started to drive. I still was supposed to go to the studio but I was late as fuck anyway so there wasn't any point in me rushing around. Unc and set stopped calling so I guess they either figured out where I was or they're tired of calling and texting over and over again.

"What are you doing?" I looked up and Y/N was looking at me like I was crazy. I looked around a realized that I had come all the way to her apartment in the middle of the night. She looked like she might have been sleeping because she was in pajamas. A pair of oversized pajama pants and a tank top. Her hair was up in a bun.

"I don't know...." I said. She stepped back and let me into the house making sure she told me to take my shoes off at the door.

"did I wake you up?" I asked her.

"It's fine, I usually wake up this time anyway to eat." She said. She walked into the kitchen and made herself a bowl of cereal then went back into her room. I locked the door behind me and followed her into her room.

I haven't been in her apartment many times and when I do come I almost never come past the living room, but I'm silently taking her body language as a sign to follow her into the room. She got into the bed and turned her attention to the tv.

"you gonna sit down or just stand in the door." She asked me.

I went over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. "What's the matter?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

She looked up at me and then back down at her cereal. "okay," was all that she said. We sat down and watched tv for a few hours. After she'd finished her cereal and put the bowl on the nightstand she laid down across the bed and I laid across the foot of the bed.

"So, are you gonna tell me why you're here?" She asked.

"I like being around you." He said. "you got this.... got a vibe that I like."

"really?" She asked.

"yeah, you real calm.... even though you're an asshole." I said. I felt her push against my shoulder with her foot and I laughed a little. I don't ever mean it when I say shit like that to her but her reactions are always funny. I looked back over my shoulder and smiled. She rolled her eyes and looked up at the TV.

"well, I like being around you.... sometimes." She said.

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