Chapter 52

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Kirsnick "Takeoff" Ball

 I make too much money to be going through this shit. I sat there with my knees against the back of the seat in front of me. I was sitting there watching the blue and red lights turn the front of my house different colors. I'm a millionaire and I live in a mansion and right now im sitting in the back of a police van in handcuffs. one of the cops came over and opened the door.

"You calm now?" he asked he.

"i'm telling yall I wasn't going to hit her." I told him.

"hey, just calm down,"

"and yall keep asking me to calm down but my wife is telling you somebody just broke into my house and took my kids! My house is full of bullet holes and my kids are missing and you saying im out here trying to fight that old bitch! I'm not!"

"KIrsnick calm down!" I looked up and my mama was standing with y/n in the grass on the side of the driveway.

"that's all we asking sir, we just need you to calm down."

"go find my kids! She knows who took my kids and yall sitting here asking me to calm down."

"right now we're just asking you to keep it cool. You're letting your anger get the best of you and we don't want to do something that you'll regret. Now we questioned her and she gave us all the information we needed. We have the amber alerts out and we have squads out looking for them as we speak but if you go and you do something crazy cause you're mad I'm going to have to take you to jail."

"i want my kids back right fucking now." I said. "i'm not gonna do shit that I regret. I don't know where yall about to go but yall better take her with you. She needs to go in there and get her shit cause I want her out my house right fucking now."

"okay, we will give her a chance to leave but I'm asking you to allow us some times to get her what she needs and she will leave and after she leaves we're gonna get you out of the car, but for the safety of everyone here we're gonna have you sit until she's gone."

His partner walked up and looked into the car. "what goes he want to do?"

"he wants her to leave. So we gonna get her out of your car and let her go inside and get her things. Then we can take her off of the premises and transport somewhere safe for the night. After she's gone we're gonna let him go."

"so we don't have t worry about him charging her again?" his partner asked.

"i didn't-"

"sir," he smacked the hood of the car with his hands. "we're going to keep him in here so that doesn't happen anymore. He promised that he will behave."

He and his partner closed the door again and walked away from me in the car. They talking about me being dangerous but I'm not even the one that he should be worried about. They had yvonne sitting in a car 'for her safety' but as soon as she got out y/n ran at her like a bull out of the gate at a rodeo. She got away from my mama, who had been holding onto her arm and managed to get past two officers before one of my security grabbed her. He wrapped both his arms around her and picked her up before walking her back over to where my mama and my grandmother were standing.

He set her down on the ground but kept his arms around her. Yvonne went into the house and came back out with two trash bags with what I assume was her clothes. She had way more in that room than two half full trash bags of clothes but I'm guessing that she only took what she came with and not anything that y/n bought for her. They took her away in a car and they came over and let me out. They took the cuffs off and I went over to where the rest of my family was standing.

Y/n wiggle away from the security that was holding her and started to step towards me. It was the first time since I got here that she was able to touch me because when I got here and I went to ask her mama who the fuck came in my house behind her old ass and they claimed that I was charging her and they put me in the back of a car.

"I'm sorry," was all the she could say. Her eyes were red and her face was wet. I know she been crying because when she called, she was screaming.

"it's not your fault," I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight.

"i watched them. I had to watch them take my babies," she just kind of crumbled to the ground and started to cry.

Another cop came over and started talking to us, but I really wasn't listening to what he was saying. "i don't think that it's a good idea that you stay here tonight."

"well no shit, their house is full of bullet holes you think they're gonna stay here." my mam said to him.

"I understand that ma'am, I'm just here to ask if you would like police escort to another location for the night." he said.

"no, we don't need that. We just need you guys to find my kids." I said to him.

We went into the house and got some clothes. I don't know what they were after because they walked passed everything. There was art on the walls, tv's in every room, and if they were smart they would have gone into my closet and taken some of the cloths in there. There where one of a kind pieces, custom shoes, and all type of other shit in there they could have took but they took my kids. I don't know who these crazy nigga is but the police catch up to him before I do cause when I do imma put that bitch in a body bag.  

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