Chapter 12

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This was uncomfortable. I mean it was his child and takeoff has a right to be at the doctors appointments.....but this is a little awkward....well a lot awkward because I was wearing a paper gown and laying on a table with my feet up in stirrups waiting on the doctor to do what he was supposed to be doing. Every time I've seen an ultrasound they put the little scope on your stomach the baby shows up on the screen but they told me since I was only about three months along they would have to do it with a probe.

Takeoff was already here and I wasnt going to make him leave cause he wanted to be here. He was sitting on the side on the exam table in a chair that kept him from seeing my private places but that didnt stop the situation from being weird for me.

The doctor put this stuff on a wand that looked like a dildo. He took the wand and put it....up there making me bring my knees together. "calm down," the doctor said putting his hand on my knee. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm myself.

Takeoff didn't say anything the entire time until a little blob showed up on the screen. "What's that right there?" He asked.

"That is your baby....congrats dad." The doctor replied.

He made a face. "man, that's not the baby right?"

"yes, what did you think a fetus was supposed to look like?" The doctor asked. He leaned forward in his chair and focused on the screen.

"it looks like a jellybean." Takeoff said. "a jellybean with an eyeball on it."

The doctor laughed a little. "that's a new one." He snapped pictures and they came out of the bottom of the machine. He handed me the picture then he and takeoff left the room so that I could clean myself up and get dressed.

I walked down the hallway as the two of us left the office. I had my eyes on the picture in my hands so I didn't see a door swing open. Takeoff reached out and stopped me before I walked into the door. "watch where you're going." He said.

"sorry," I replied. "do you want the pictures or the dvd?"

"the pictures." He said reaching for them. He grabbed the three pictures and carefully folded them so they would fit into his pocket. He walked me to my car and even opened the door after I unlocked it. He didn't move a muscle until I pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive away.

I dont know why he does that. he doesn't speak but he watches over me like a hawk. He's been doing it at work too; making me leave the room when they smoke, if the booking they have is at a club they dont take me along they get someone else, and when they're doing stage rehearsals I always catch him looking for me. It doesnt matter where he is, he'll stop and scan the room until he finds me. I try to make sure I stay in the same spot so that im not too much of a distraction to him and he can focus on what he's supposed to be doing.

When I got home I looked at my phone and here was a text message from him asking for me to text him when I got home. I sent him a text message once I was in the house and then he sent me back a quick okay and that was it.

I don't know if I'm supposed to like this arrangement or not. It's strange, it's what I asked for but most of the time you don't get what you ask for but takeoff is different. He was always quiet around me, and I think it's because he's still mad about what I was going to do and at this point I don't blame him.

I grabbed my phone and texted offset.

Me: What is wrong with him?

Offset: he's pissed off.... told you that would turn out bad but you didnt want to listen.

Me: it's weird now

Offset: it was probably gonna be that way regardless... you're like a sister to us you know...we never looked at you like that or at least if he did he never said anything to us.

Me: he didn't

Offset: do you know that for sure

Me: yeah...i mean why would he?

Offset: I don't know he seemed kind of hurt thinking that the two of us was messing around.

Me: really?

Offset: he's got a bigger heart than he lets on. He doesn't say much because he doesn't want to look soft but hes soft like a marshmallow.

Me: whatever

Offset: you think it's not true...just wait and you'll see

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