Chapter 16

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Man how the fuck did I get myself into this. I already wasn't ready for the first baby and now there's two and on top of being two, FeeFee had to go and tell everybody at Y/N's party. That was fucked up on a whole bunch of different levels and it don't seem like she cares at all.

"that shit wasnt right, you could have told me before I dropped you off. We was together all day yesterday and you gone go and pull that shit?"

"well you dropped me home and snuck off to go see her." She folded her arms.

"man you knew where I was goin and I wasn't going to see her. Tiffany asked me to show up so I did. I don't know nothing about all that shit so I just showed up cause she asked me." I said.

"Whatever," she said. "so I was thinking, when I move in-"

"When you do what?"

"I'm not gonna raise this baby on my own." She said. "you need to be close so you can help me."

"we are close enough as it is. You house aint even ten minutes away from mine." I said.


"look, you gone have what you need, both of you will but you not movin in my house. We not on that level yet." I told her.

"we having a baby but we not on that level?" She asked raising her voice.

"calm down cause you know what it is. Imma take care of mine but we gotta cool it."

"what does that mean?" She asked.

"I just had two babies sprung on me with no warning. I was with her only once and you and I havent been around each other that much either because you always doing stupid shit. I just think i need to focus only on them."

"on who?" She asked. She sounded offended like I just told her I was leaving her for another girl or something.

"the babies airhead. The ones we been talking about the whole time." I said

"and what about me and you?" She asked.

"I told you, that's gone be on the backburner for now. I don't have time to be policing you, managing my career, and taking care of two brand new kids. It's too much goin on for a relationship." I explained.

"so you breaking up with me. I should have known you would-"

"imma take care of my baby so don't go there. The relationship is just too much Fee and you know it." I parked the car in from of her house and waited for her to get out. For a long time she didn't move. I didn't want to be rude but I really just want her to go away. I'm tired, I got a e=headache, and I still gotta worry about explaining this to everyone. Its gonna be hard enough explaining on surprise grandchild to my mama, she gone kick my ass when I tell her it's two of them.

"you aint shit," she said looking like she was about to cry. "I cant believe you're doing this to me."

"it's not about you. It's about me and my kids." I told her even though I knew it was a lie. It was her and all of the damn drama she starts. She acts like that shit is cute but it's getting old, and it's getting old fast.

"whatever," she got out of the car and used all of her strength to slam the door. Any other time I would have got out and told her something but that's what she wanted. She wanted me to get mad and run after her and then she would act all sweet like she didn't do nothing. She crossed her arms and stood in front of her front door like she was waiting for me to get out.

I put the car in drive and pulled away from her house. I don't have time for that childish shit.

Later that night I was sitting down in front of my mama and my grandmother. Quavo had left the table to fix himself another plate of food from the kitchen. Whenever we were in town we always tried to have at least one family dinner. If I was ever going to get a chance to tell them it would be now.

"What's wrong with you. You barely touched your food." My mom said. I looked up and she was looking at me form across the table.

"I just have some stuff on my mind." I said pressing my hand to my forehead.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"I...uh," I stopped and looked back and forth from my mom to my grandmother who were sitting right next to each other. They were gonna kill me I know they are, but wat else can I do?


He's gone do this now? He could have waited until dinner was over. He gone ruin the party for everybody and he's gonna regret it. He opened his mouth and it was like he was talking in slow motion. My sister's eyes went big and she sat back in her chair.

"What did you just say?" She asked.

"I got two babies on the way." He repeated.

"a set of twins?" My mama asked. She almost sounded excited.

"'s two different girls..." He stopped when my sister stood up from her chair and walked around the table. I thought she was about to walk out of the room but when she got behind his chair she stopped. The entire room was quiet as we watched her standing in the doorway that lead out of the dinning room with her back to the table.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKIN MIND!!" She spun around and started punching him in the top of the head with both of her hands like she was banging on a drum. "I raised your no good black ass better than this and you gone embarrass me like this!?" She was still punching him but no one wanted to get in the way because they didn't want to get punched themselves.

"stop it." My mama called out over the table. "stop hitting him like that. He already don't have much sense you gone beat the rest of his brain out his head."

"What?" Take asked.

"shut up!" My sister punched him again. He covered his head and shrank down in his seat.

"stop hitting him." My mama said. "you know they're yours for sure?"

"one yes...the other one I'm not too sure about." He answered.

"you know you gone take care of them if they're both for you right?" She asked. He nodded. "you should bring them over...not at the same time of course, but I want to meet them."

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