Chapter 35

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"so that's it. We'll move the studio to the basement, turn that downstairs room into the office, and the office will be mani's new room and we'll put the baby in her old room next to us." I said.

"yeah, that sounds about right." takeoff said. He changed the channel on the tv and placed the remote down on the arm of the sofa before he continued the foot massage, he promised me three weeks ago.

"and we'll put a door in-"

"what?" he said making a face.

"we need a door from that room to our room so we can just cut a door into that wall and-"

"no," he said. "aint nobody cuttin no holes nowhere in my house. If we need to get there, we'll use the doors we already got."


"no y/n"

"i need a door-"

"you remember when you ask me to tell you if you were doing too much?" I asked him.


You doin to damn much." he said.

His phone started to ring and he looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. "what?" I asked him.

"who decided that it was a good idea for my uncle to date your friend?" he asked.

"well if he could stay faithful then we would be dealing with this right now." i replied.

He shrugged and turned his attention to the tv that was positioned over the fireplace because he knew I was right. Quavo been chasing tiffany since he met her and as soon as she finally gives him a chance and everything is going good, he gets caught with some Instagram chick. He didn't literally get caught in the act, she read his messages and saw the pictures and that was enough. Now tiffany has moved out of their house and won't talk to him and he keeps calling us to relay messages to her and neither of us want to get involved.

Tiffany hasn't been as social as she usually is and I know it's because her feelings are hurt but she wont let anyone talk to her, or at least that what I thought.

I heard the front door open and close and the sound of heels clicking against the floor. It was her, it had to be because no one else has a key to our house. She walked int eh kitchen and went right up to takeoff.

"What up tiffany," he asked. I could tell that she was preparing for a snappy comment from her but just shrugged.

"i came to see if you wanted to go to the mall with me?" she asked. "i need to talk to you."

"yeah sure," I replied. I had a pair of shoes by the door so I didn't have to run all over the house to find them. I just slipped them on and grabbed my purse.

"make sure you give the kids a bath at 6," I said to kirsnick.

"i know how to take care of my own kids girl," he replied. "get out of here,"

I rolled my eyes and turned to follow tiffany out of the room. "oh, before I forget." she said. She pulled a little piece of paper from her pocket and placed it on the arm of the sofa where takeoff was sitting. "please tell your uncle I'm pregnant."

"What!?" we both said at the same time. She looked over at me as if she didn't know why we were shocked.

"yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." she replied.

"my uncle with a baby," kirsnick laughed. "it's the end of the world as we know it." 

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