Chapter 25

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Each hour the doctor came in and checked to see how far I was dilated. When I got here I was already 6 so still had a little way to go before it was time for me to actually deliver. The doctor walked in and checked me then removed her glove and threw it into the trash.

"kirsnick stop looking!"

"What?" He asked.

"every time they come to check me you always looking down there," I said to him.

"but I've seen it already." He said.

"if you don't stop I'm going to make you leave," I said to him.

"you cant put me out." He replied spinning around in his chair like a little kid. "that's my son I'm not going anywhere."

"if you don't stop looking at my vagina I'm going to have security put you out," I said to him. He rolled his eyes.

"imma look if I wanna look," he mumbled.

The door swung open and Tiffany and quavo walked into the room. "what are we looking at?" Quavo asked.

"my vagina," I replied.

He sucked in a deep breath then looked down at the ground. "I don't think I'm supposed to be in here. I'm gonna go sit in the waiting room." He turned and walked out of the room without another word. Tiffany walked over to takeoff and stood right in front of him.

"What you looking at me like that for?" He barked.

"you not gone get up and let me sit down?" She replied.

"tiff, get outta my face." He said. "go sit down over there." He pointed to a chair in the corner on the other side of the room.

"I need to sit here next to my best friend." She said.

"so you want me to move?" He asked. She nodded. "and you want me to let you sit next to my girlfriend while she gives birth to my baby?" She nodded again. "and the reason is that you're her best friend."

"this is as much my baby as it is yours," she said.

"let me ask you something?" He said to her.

"what?" She asked.

"who invited you in here?" He asked.

"will you two stop it?" I asked them.

"tell her to leave me alone." Takeoff said.

"tiff," she turned to me and made a face.

"I'm emotionally invested in this child," she said.

"this is my baby." He said.

"will the two of you stop it." I said to them. "you argue like children."

"if he would just get up-"

"and where am I supposed to sit?" He asked.

"I'm going to make both of you get the hell out of here if you two don't stop." I said to them. "tiff, there's a nurse at the desk, with pink-framed glasses go ask her for another chair and she'll get it."

"she's gonna try to steal your boyfriend too," takeoff shouted as she walked out.

She turned around and sucked her teeth before she turned and walked out. "you are so childish."

"I'm not she's always picking at me and you let her." He said.

The doctor came in and checked me again and she told us that basically, the baby isn't in the right position and that she was going to put me on something called a peanut that was supposed to help him move into the right position. Of course, takeoff laughed at the peanut shaped exercise ball that they wanted me to use. My body felt like it weighed a million pounds when they rolled me onto my side and lifted out of my legs to put the ball between my legs.

"is this funny to you?" I asked him.

"I'm just nervous," he replied. "I don't get why it's taking so long."

"you're not the one that has to push him out," I said to him.

This was taking forever and I'm so tired of waiting. The doctor checked again and the finally told me that it was time to push. Everything that happened next was a blur. They got me onto my back and one of the nurses started giving me instructions on how to push.

"Alright, on the count of 3 we're going to start pushing okay." The nurse counted me down and I pushed once, then again, and then again.

"what's that?" Takeoff asked looking down at my business.

"the baby," the doctor replied. "you're doin an amazing job y/n just a few more pushes and we'll have a baby."

She said a few more pushes but after the next push, he popped right out. They let takeoff snip his cord before they suctioned his mouth and swiftly carried him away. Takeoff followed behind the nurse that was carrying him and Tiffany stayed next to me. She was wiping my face because as soon as he started crying, I started crying.

By the time I looked up they had the baby wrapped up and they were handing him to takeoff. He walked over to the sofa that was on that side of the room and he sat down. He didn't really say anything he just sat down and I could hear him talking quietly to the baby in his arms.

"you think he's gonna let you hold him?" Tiffany asked me.

"just give him a minute," I replied. They got me all cleaned up and I was finally able to drink some water. My mouth had been so dry the entire time but they would give me anything because at one point they were talking about me going in to get a c-section because my labor was progressing so slowly. When everything was said and done kirsnick brought the baby over so that I could hold him.

He put this little baby in my arms and the only thing that I could think about was how much he didn't look like me. "are you serious?" I asked out loud.

"What?" Kirsnick asked.

"all this work that I did and he don't even look like me. He looks just like you." I said. He shrugged.

"I got strong genes." He laughed a little bit but I wasn't laughing at all. I can't believe this. Nine months of cravings, weight gain, and morning sickness and he doesn't look like me at all. I'm so upset  

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