Chapter 10

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I was at work supervising a photoshoot that all three of the members that we were supposed to attend but takeoff has decided that he wasn't going to come. He was mad still Im guessing because the entire air surrounding me was awkward. He must have told everyone because whenever they see me they act like I have the bird flu and if they talk to me they'll catch it.

I refreshed their schedule and a few new dates popped up. Quavo walked off the set because they wanted to get some pictures of offset alone. I'm gonna get my ass chewed out for not being able to get takeoff to show but there's nothing I can do. He sees me and he acts like I don't exist, and if he does acknowledge me it turns into an argument.

By the time he strolled in the shoot was nearly over. They got the group shots that they needed then pulled takeoff to the side to do his solo shots. He didn't speak to me until it was time for us to leave. I went to get into the van that we came in when he grabbed my arm and started dragging me toward his car. He opened the passenger's side door and carefully forced me into the car. I went to open it and he used his keys to lock it, I unlocked the door but before I could get out he relocked it. He got into the car and I turned to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Shut up," he replied.

If he wasn't driving I would have punched him in the mouth for talking to me like that but that would be careless. He drove until we reached an unmarked office building and he got out. "What are we doing here?" I asked him.

He came to the other side and opened the door, not because he was trying to be nice but because he was about to pull me from the car. I climbed out before he got the chance to and started toward the building. He signed in and we sat down and waited to be called. Once we were in the office we sat down in front of a short white man with a terrible mustache.

"Good afternoon," he said.

"Why are we here?" I asked takeoff.

"My client Mr. Ball has requested that I draft paperwork for the both of you." the old man said.

"Paperwork for what?" I asked.

"It outlines the entire agreement in terms of the raising of the child." He made a hand gesture toward me. "I will give you a copy to review and if changes need to be made you can have your people call my people and we can come to an agreement on the revisions."

He handed me a thick folder full of papers. "What is this for?" I asked.

"Most of it is purely hypothetical. The other part outlines simple request from my client as to the rearing of his child including but not limited to education, custody and visitation, and child support." The old crow said.

"I wasn't talking to you sir...I'm talking to your client." I said to him. "Why are you doing this?"

"You planned on keeping my child from me, and I wanna make sure that don't happen." He said. His voice was bitter and filled with anger.

"you-re not-"

"You look like the type to just pick up and run away with my kid. Collect child support and never let me see my child." He spat bitterly.

He didn't say anything else for the rest of the little meeting. When we got back in the car we drove off. He was heading toward my apartment now. "What you said in there wasn't true-"

"What you said about me wasn't true either, but it didn't stop you from saying that shit about me." he shot back.

"Look I'm sorry-"

"No you're not." He said.

"Sorry," I said. There was a long moment of silence. "So you're gonna take me to court."

He snorted. "Yeah right and get shit on in a courtroom. That shit aint fair and you know it. We can do the paper work just us then sign the papers and that'll be what it is."

"You know if you would have wanted I would have never kept you away." I said.

"You saying that now, that aint what you said that night." he pulled up in front of my apartment building and stopped his car. "We'll be cordial about this alright. When you need me I'll be there for my baby man."

"Kirshnik," I said. He turned and looked at me. "I'm sorry, I really am."

He nodded. "Yeah I know you are."

I grabbed the purse and got out of the car. I don't know if it's my hormones or what but I really feel like he's taking jabs at me. What the hell did he mean by he knows I'm sorry. Did he mean that I know, or was he trying to say I was a sorry person? I walked into my apartment and threw my keys down on the table next to the door. I took the folder from my purse and started flipping through the papers inside. I was gonna have to read all of this so that he could get with his lawyer to finalize this stuff.

Maybe offset was right after all I would have never expected this level of seriousness from him about this. He doesn't take much of anything serious, but this has almost everything planned out right down to the doctor he would like me to see and the hospital I would delivery in. I really do feel like a bitch for the things I said. 

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