Chapter 2

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Author's Note: So this is a redo of a story that i did that had different characters and names so if there's a slip up with a name my apologies cause i'm editing this on a computer with a broken screen.  Enjoy! leave comments! let me know what you think :)

Three Weeks Earlier


Getting home turned out to be even harder than I thought it would be. I didn't have my car and I couldn't spend too much time here cause soon everyone else would wake up and getting caught here is not an option. In the end I called for an uber but gave it the address for the house at the end of the street then walked down to catch it.

"At least I have my purse," I said to myself as I slipped into the backseat of the uber, When I finally got home, I was only half pleased to see a shiny white convertible beetle parked in front of my apartment building right next to my car. It was already past ten o'clock and Tiffany wasn't supposed to be here, she should have been at work, but instead she was in my apartment probably waiting to yell at me for disappearing on her last night after the party.

She must have heard the door unlock because as soon as I opened the door, she came running over to the front door nearly slipping and falling on the hard wood floors because she was wearing socks. My socks, and she was wearing a pair of my pajamas, which meant that she'd spent the night here after the party instead of going home.

"Where did you go last night?" she asked. I stepped into the apartment and let the door swing closed behind me. I kicked of the oversized sneakers that I had taken from his house and went straight for the kitchen. "Are you hung over?"

"Yes, and that is no one's fault but yours Miss there's no alcohol just drink it. You sleep here last night?" I slipped her hood of the jacket off of my head and went over to the cabinet where I kept all of the medicine. Once I found the aspirin; I opened the bottle and poured two pills into my hand.

"I waited up all night. You scared me half to death, you know that right?" she shot back.

"I'm sorry," I replied. I opened the refrigerator door and grabbed a bottle of water before I went into the living room. I popped the pills into my mouth and took a sip from the bottle of water I was holding.

"Is sorry the best that you have? I thought you were dead." She said. I placed the water down on the coffee table and slipped off the jacket I was wearing. It was hot out, I don't even know why I took the jacket, but it was just one of those things that didn't seem important at the time.

"I can't really think of anything else. My head is killing me right now." I said to her.

"You-" Tiffany stopped.

Part of me was relieved that she wasn't talking anymore but the other half was a little worried. When Tiffany has something on her mind, she wasn't the type to just give up on it. She wanted to make sure you heard everything that she had to say and you completely understood what she meant.

"...Y/N." She said. I sat down on the sofa and let my head fall into my hands.

I turned and looked at her over my shoulder. "Yeah?"

"Why do you have Takeoff's shirt on?" she asked. I scoffed then looked down at my clothes. She can't just say that it's his because he has one like it. She's just jumped to conclusions.

"This isn't his shirt." I lied.

"Really, So you think that I'm not going to recognize the custom one of a kind shirt that I bought him for his last birthday that his no good ass hasn't even worn yet because the tag is still on it?" she asked matter-of-factly. I think she was madder about the fact that he didn't wear her gift and not the fact that I was wearing his clothes. That she was only curious about.

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