Chapter 31

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Getting Takeoff to return to work after this was harder than getting him to go back after I had Kj. It took a weeks worth of arguing to get him to go back and even when he did I could tell he wasn't fully into it. I could see the difference watching him perform and listening to playback of music he's recording. It's tearing him up inside having Mani still in the hospital, but until the doctors clear her to go home there is nothing, we can do but wait.

"you want corn or peas tonight?" I asked kirsnick as he leaned against the counter watching me cook.

"who eats peas?" he asked.

"I don't." I replied. "but they're in the pantry so somebody bought them."

"I don't grocery shop," he shrugged.

"it was probably the nanny." I put the peas back in the pantry and closed the door. "corn it is."

I was about to follow kirsnick into the living room when someone started banging on the door. Takeoff looked at me then stomped his way over to the door to see who it was.

"I don't know who the fuck this is but I'm not in the fuckin-" I was still standing in the same spot so I couldn't see who was on the other side. All I could hear was him talking to the person on the other side.

"who the hell are you? know somebody to be banging on my front door like that?.....daughter, what daughter?"

He closed the door and came back into the kitchen when I was standing. "short lady, bad attitude, and she says she's your mama."

"short blonde hair?" I asked him.


"that's my mama." I set the can of corn down on the cabinet and went to open the door.

"that's the kind of street garbage you let soil you? What kind of man slams the door in a woman's face?" she asked as she stepped through the door.

"you're coming into his house calling him street garbage, but you feel like he should have more respect for you?" I asked her.

She turned and looked at me over her shoulder. "I'm your mother, aren't I?"

"barely," I said lowly. She looked over at me again because I know that she heard me. "is there a reason that your dropping by today?"

"I can to see my grandchild," she replied matter-of-factly.

Wow, she actually called him her grandchild this time. Most of the time when we talk, she just calls him 'that baby' and then I get mad and we argue and don't talk again until she figures out something that she wants to call and fuss over.

"he has a name," I replied.

"of course, Nicolas right?" she asked. "but you call him nick for short?"

"his name is kirsnick." I looked over and takeoff was standing in the entryway to the foyer holding Kj in his hands. "but yeah, we call him nick for short. He moved over to her and held Kj out to her so she could take him.

When she did that's when I noticed how frail she looked. Like if the wind blew too hard, she would blow away.

"he looks like you," she looked at take and he nodded. "just like you,"

"mom, can I talk to you for a minute," I asked her. She handed Kj back to his daddy and she and I went into another room.

"I was just passing by, I was in the neighborhood-"

"what's happening to you?" I asked her.

She made a face. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"you look bad mom. Something is not right and I know it." I said.

"I'm just on this new diet, and it's really working. I lost a lot of my body fat and that's why I look so-"


She pressed her lips together. "you lose the fat before you gain the weight back in muscle."

"you've been practicing that lie a lot huh?" I asked her.

"look, nothing is wrong. I'm fine, everything is fine, I just.......I need some money." she lifted her head high. I could tell it was killing her to have to ask me for anything after she talked so much shit about me. "just a loan, I'll pay you back as soon as I'm back on my feet."

"on your feet? Mama-"

"nothing is wrong. I just need some money." she said quickly.

I nodded then walked out of the dinning room, through the kitchen, and into the living room where I found kirsnick and Kj playing in the middle of the floor.

"I need some money," I said to him.

"for what?" he asked.

"I shook my head. "I'll explain it later, can I just borrow like 200 real fast."

He went into his pocket and pulled out a bunch of 20 dollar bills. He didn't count it or anything, he just handed it to me. On my way back to the dinning room I counted it and he'd given me 240. I gave her the money and she said thank you. It was the first time i'd ever heard her say that but instead of it being a happy moment all I could do was worry. There was this distant look in her eyes that I had never seen before. Like she was here physically, but her mind was somewhere else. She left shortly after that and I stood by the door for a while.

"everything alright?" takeoff asked. I turned around and he was standing behind me hold Kj.

I shook my head. "there's something wrong with my mom." 

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