Chapter 11

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Working around the guys after that day was...awkward. Takeoff still doesn't talk to me that much. He asks about doctor's appointments and once I answer him he nods and then walks away. Offset still comes around, he might be one of the only friends that I have right now because everyone else has picked a side and it's obviously not mine. He and Tiffany are the only ones that I have left.

There was a knock on the door and I was expecting it to be one of them but I soon learned that it wasn't. After the initial knock the person at the door just kept knocking nonstop. It was her. It had to be her. I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole only to find that it was in fact her.

I opened the door and tried my best to smile and fake like I was happy. "Hey mama," I said.

"Mama?" she snorted. "What did I tell you about that? You're walking around here babbling on like a common country hick."

I groaned. Here she goes, I've lived in Atlanta my entire life but my mother is.....different. She always hated it, partly because she hated my father for moving us all the way here from California when I was nine and then dying of a heart attack and making it impossible for her to go back to the place she called home. Eventually she struck a good job and got the money to move back but she still stops by every now and then to make me feel like shit and tell me I'm not working hard enough, you know, the usual shit parent stuff.

"Mother, it's just an accent. Mine isn't even that bad." I said to her.

"I didn't raise you to speak that way." She walked into my apartment and started looking around. She scanned the room with a disgusted look on her face like always, she picked things up and moved them over, looked behind furniture, and swiped her finger across shelves in an attempt to pick up dirt.

She always did this. She checked to see if things were dirty, checked the fridge and threw away snacks and sugary food, and continued to treat me like shit. One her way to the kitchen she stopped, it was the first time she looked at me since she walked in. I was wearing a large t-shirt so there's no way she would be able to see the small bump growing in my stomach, or at least that's what I thought. She walked over to me and grabbed the sides of my shirt pulling the loose fabric tight around my body. Her face went from constipated to full on disgust. "Oh my god." She sneered.

"It's not that big of a deal mo-"

"Not that big a deal? Oh it's not? First you take that meaningless job as a road hand for that group of street trash now you're pregnant." She let my shirt go and she started to pace around the room. "I bet it's one of theirs isn't it. God I thought I raised you better." She put her hand to her forehead as if the entire situation was exhausting her.

"You raised me better?" I repeated.

"I honestly believed that I had, now look at you. Once that thing is born you'll be nothing more than mama." She said in disgust.

I rolled my eyes. "mot-"

"Get rid of it." she said quickly.

"What?" I asked.

"here." She opened her purse and pulled out a silver charge card and handed it to me. "I'll give you the money since you probably don't have it, and I doubt he'll give it to you,"

I stood there looking at the card in her hand. I can't believe she's actually doing this. She trying to pay me to get rid of it. This isn't her decision to make, this isn't her life to live, and this isn't her damn child to raise.

"I don't want your money." I said to her.

"And what do you suppose you're going to do without it?" she asked.

"Raise my child." I said.

She scoffed. "You really think that you can?" she asked.

"I can't do any worse of a job than you did with me and you were never around." I shot back.

"Never around. I worked my ass off to make sure you had everything that you needed!"

"No you didn't. You paid somebody to do that so you could go out on dates and go on trips with men twice your age. Then you scammed some old shit into putting you on his will and he died before he realized you were only using him for his money." I said.

She bit down on my bottom lip looking like she wanted to cross the room and punch me in the mouth for getting smart. It wouldn't be the first time. My mother has as short temper and my entire life she's struggled to control it, but she's not stupid. She wouldn't hit me knowing that I'm pregnant. The only thing that my mother fears more than going broke is a lawsuit, cause that a sure fire way of going broke.

She put her card into her purse and went over to the door. She didn't even turn to look back at me as she walked out the door slamming the door behind her. I never planned on making an enemy out of my mother, but she's not gonna step all over me anymore. I got more than just me to worry about now.

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