Chapter 28

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Takeoff was laying on the sofa staring at the ceiling like something was wrong with him. He came in, put the kids in the playpen then laid down on the sofa. They were having their fun entertaining each other with their own conversation in baby talk while I sat on the floor watching them.

"you okay?" I asked him.

"nothing," he replied simply.

"you look like you got something on your mind," I said.

"are you going to keep bothering me about it because it's nothing." He said.

"no," I answered. "if you said it's nothing then I'm going to leave it alone."

He laid there on the sofa not saying anything until I was starting to get dark outside. Today was Sunday so he had to go and drop Armani off to her mama for the next two weeks. He packed her things into her bag slowly like he didn't want to. I know he doesn't like bringing her over there because every time she's there it's a problem.

I kissed Armani on her forehead and handed her over to her father. He looked at her but I could see the sadness in her eyes when he looked at her. Something was wrong but I know he's not going to tell me what it is.  


I got the results but I haven't opened the envelope yet. Quavo swears that it'll make me feel better to know but my heart has been in my ass ever since I got the results in the mail. I don't even want to open the envelope because I know in my heart she's not mine. So many things don't add up; the difference between her due date and her actual birthday, she wouldn't let me give her my last name or put my name on the birth certificate, and she doesn't look like me at all. She's lighter than both me and her mom, both of our eyes are dark but hers are a lighter brown color, and she had this little birthmark underneath her left eye that neither of us had.

I knocked on the door to Fiona's house and some dude answered the door. Well, I shouldn't say that he's some dude because I've seen him before, Fiona calls him her bodyguard but she doesn't do anything that would require her to need one. I never had a problem with this nigga but it really don't make sense to me that he was answering her door in some damn pajamas.

"What's up," he asked me.

"Where is Fiona at?" I asked him.

He moved aside and let me walk into the house. I never got a good look at him before but now that I have he looks very familiar, and not for a good reason. the shape of his eyes, the way that his mouth turns up at the corners, and the color of his skin; everything about him was so familiar like I had been around him for months but this is really my first time getting a real good look at him. He must have seen me looking at him because he turned and looked at me, raising an eyebrow in annoyance, and that's when I saw it, a little birthmark on his cheek underneath his eye. The little-mishapened crescent moon under his eye was just like the one under Armani's left eye.

I found Fiona lounging on the sofa in her pajamas. She pointed over to the playpen across the room and without I word I walked over and set Armani down inside. She cried a little bit, because I know she hates being here with her parents but she there isn't anything I can do about this now cause I know.

I turned and looked at Fiona who didn't even look away from the TV. I reached into my pockets and pulled the folded envelope from my pocket. I set it down on the coffee table and she finally looked away from the tv and over at me.

"is that my money for this month?" She asked. She picked up the envelope and ripped it open pulling out the papers that were inside. She looked through them with a confused look on her face because there wasn't any money inside. "What the hell-"

She didn't even finish what she was saying she just sat there reading the paper. "this is fake-" I threw her hand up and cut her off.

"you fuckin serious. You sittin here with this nigga in your house, him and Armani got the same birthmark on their face and you gone sit here and really try to tell me that little girl is mine?" I asked her.

"You been taking care of her since she was born-"

"bitch you told me she was mine and you knew she wasn't!"

"hold on, you don't got to call her no bitch-"

"shut yo stupid ass up you're bum ass been around this whole fuckin time looking at this little girl and aint did a damn thing for her. This girl look just like you man-"

"she aint say nothing to me about her possibly being mine," he shot back.

I looked at him, and then over at her. "you two mothafuckas..... I don't know what yall about to do cause I'm out. I care about Armani man, I really do but yall gone have to figure something out cause if you don't that little girl aint gone have a snowballs' chance in hell cause you two niggas is stupid."

I walked around the sofa and started toward the door. She jumped up and tried to get in front of me and I stopped. "you just gone walk out on her-"

"she is not my daughter." I said. "you sitting here hugged up with the niggas that actually might be her father and you mad at me for walking out and you sitting here with her fuckin daddy right in front of you."

"you faked that test-"

"Fiona, come on man. You really gonna do this right now. I faked the test and that girl look just like this man that's been around the whole time. Test him then." She rolled her eyes at me.

"get out." She snapped. "get the fuck out of my house."

"don't worry. I'm on my way out." I said to her. I turned and looked at her so-called bodyguard who was standing there looking like he was about to sit on himself. Seriously, now that Im looking at him there's no way that he would have thought she was for anyone else but him cause they look exactly alike. "man, you do right by that little girl. She deserves that even though her momma is a dumb ass." 

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