Chapter 23

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Takeoff likes to sleep. He just got in from out of town and whenever he comes in he smokes, eats, takes a shower and then he gets straight in the bed. He's pretty much moved in at this point because when he's in town he spends all his time here. He even has a drawer with his clothes in it and a toothbrush in the bathroom. I like having him here because he's a wonderful cuddle partner.

"this show is fuckin sad man." He said. "why we always gotta watch this?"

"it's my favorite show," I replied.

"so can you do that, if your baby dies you can just take an orphan from the hospital. I thought adopting kids was supposed to take a long time." He asked.

"well this was like back in the day, so it was probably a lot simpler back then," I said.

"what's this called?" He asked.

"this is us," I answered.

"turn this off. It's too sad. Let's watch something else." He said.

I changed the channel to something else and dropped the remote on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and before the show even came back from the commercial he was asleep. I turned it back to what I wanted to watch and made myself comfortable.

I don't know when I fell asleep but before I know it I was waking up to the sound of a phone ringing. I lifted my head and looked at my phone on the nightstand. It wasn't mine.

"nick," I slapped his thigh with my hand.


"your phone," I said to him.

"let it ring." He replied. It stopped ringing and not even a minute later it started ringing again. It did it one more time and he sat up on the bed huffing and puffing. He grabbed the phone and answered it.

" aint it too early for on your way to the hospital?....alright man I'm coming get you. I'm coming." He hung up the phone and stood up from the bed.

"what's goin on?" I asked him.

"feefee says she hurting and stuff like she in labor. I gotta go get her and bring her to the hospital. I'm sorry." He said.

"sorry for what?" I replied. "go take care of your business."

He nodded and went slipped on his shoes before he grabbed his keys and walked out. I cant say that I'm not upset but this is what I have to deal with right? My son needs him and her kid is gonna need him too. I just hope the baby is alright cause she cant be more than 5 months right now because im 7 and she's about two months behind me. That's way too early to give birth.


When feefee called me she was already on the way to the hospital so I called her back and told her that I was going to meet her there. When I walked in I got a couple of stares and some questions of is y/n was here and in labor. I just ignored him and kept moving. I got to the information desk and they gave me her room. When I got in there she was laying on the bed complaining.

"you alright?" I asked her.

"it's about time you got here. I've been here almost an hour and your just not getting here." He said.

"I had to come all the way from the other side of the city," I said.

"hmm, what were you doing all the way over there?" She asked.

"minding my business," I answered her. I went over to the couch and sat down and not even five minutes later the doctor came in. She went over to her computer and was looking at a long strip of paper that was coming out. Feefee was already changed into a gown so she had her open her legs up so that she could check her.

"okay," the doctor slipped the glove off of her hand and threw it into the trash. "you are not in labor." She announced.

"What!?" I didn't mean to scream but this lady just said that this girl aint in labor. She laying in a gown in a hospital bed at 3 in the morning and she's not in labor.

"what do you mean?" Feefee asked. She was lying I could already tell cause whenever she's lying that's the first thing that comes out of her mouth. I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch.

"not only are you not contracting but you arent dilated a single centimeter." The doctor went over to the machine on the side of the bed and picked up the piece of paper that was flowing out of the machine. "you see this?"

She held it up for both of us to look at but it didnt look like there was anything on the paper.

"what's that?" I asked.

"it's connected to the monitors that we have strapped around Ms. Daniels' stomach and if she was, in fact, contracting this line." She pointed it out. "would be going up and down, like a roller coaster, but it isnt. It's completely flat."

"you don't know what you're talking about." She said.

"I absolutely do," she said. "I went to school, graduated, and ive been doing this for more than 15 years and on top of all that experience I have about 23 other women on this floor that are really in labor and not faking it and all of their machines show fluctuations on their screens when they have contractions."

"bruh are you serious? You got me up here in the middle of the night and you fuckin faking the shit." I said to her.

"what do you expect, you just gone spend all your time with y/n and leave me home alone pregnant with your baby." She shot back. I looked over at the doctor who was pretending to look at the medical chart in her hands.

"how many times do I got to explain this to you fee. We are not together. I spend my time with y/n because that's my girl and that's what I'm supposed to do. I'm gonna be there for the baby 100% but you want attention from me and that's not something that I'm going to give you not after all the shit you did." I got up and went over to the door. She wasn't having no baby so there was no reason for me to stay. "when you're really getting ready to have the baby then you call me."

"so you're just going to leave?" She asked.

I turned around and looked at her. As mad as I was I wanted to walk over to her and punch her in the mouth. She's doing whatever she can to get attention from me because I'm not entertaining her unless it has something to do with the baby and that's not going to change no matter what stunts she pulls. I'm done with that girl.  

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