Chapter 8

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I sat up out of my sleep in a cold sweat. This is the third time this week that ive had the same dream about her. I rolled out of bed and walked out of my room and down to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and went back to my room. I started having this dream not too long ago and I don't know what for.

It starts with me coming home with a suitcase in my hands. I walk through the door of a house I've never been to and a little girl runs down a hallway and slams her body into my legs and wraps her arms around me. She sits down on my foot and looks up at me with big brown eyes that look just like mine. I don't know this little girl but she seems like she's mine, like she belongs to me. I walk with her sitting on top of my foot until I reach the kitchen and I find a woman standing there giving all her attention to a pot of food on the stove. I wrap an arm around her and she turns to me giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

When I see her face I wake up immediately. Why am I dreaming about her?

"What's wrong with you?" i looked up and Quavo was walking into the house.

"Where you been?" I asked him.

"Mind your business." He said with a smirk. "Why you up so late?"

"I keep having nightmares." He replied.

I turned away from him and walked up the stairs to go back to my room. I got back into bed and tried to fall back asleep. It's hard now because every time I close my eyes I see her. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and started to try and fall asleep again.

I opened my eyes and I was in my room. It was dark but I could see a light on in the closet. The door opened slowly and she stood in the now opened doorway. With the light shining behind her form the closet she almost looked like an angel. She began to move toward me and the silk robe she was wearing flowed as if there was wind blowing it or something. It was unreal. She crawled into the bed and pulled the covers from me. She straddled me and leaned down until our faces were only inches away from each other's.

"I've waited all day for you," she said. She kissed me and it felt like all of the blood in my body either rushed to my head or went.....somewhere else. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was in my room but she was gone and I was alone. it was a dream but the effects of it were all too real.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked aloud.

The next day I got up and went on about my day like I normally would. We had rehearsals and interviews and after that studio and she would be there through all of it.

"What is taking him so long?" Y/n sat in the passenger's seat of the van looking out the window. Quavo was taking all day to get ready and we were all standing outside waiting on his slow ass. When he finally came outside everyone was more than ready to leave.

"You made us late," Y/N said to him.

"Sorry, had a late night and I overslept." He said.

She was sitting in the front seat fixing her make-up in the mirror. We locked eyes in the mirror and she rolled her eyes and looked away. I sat back against the seat and looked out the window. We were stuck with her all day and after the day was over it didn't stop we went to dinner that night and Quavo's dumb ass invited her to come along. I was sitting on side of her and the table was completely quiet until one of the stylists cleared her throat and said.

"Hey Y/N I never got a chance to before but I wanted to say congrats on the baby." She chirped.

Quavo started choking on his drink and that was followed by the cloud clang of y/n's fork when she dropped it against her plate. Everyone was waiting for her to respond and the air was so thick you could choke on it.

"Thank you faith." She said faking a smile.

Everything was still dead quiet even after she answered faith. She  just kept my eyes on her plate and continued to eat my food. She got up and left the table after she finished her food. I was done and decided to go outside. I found her outside walking around in circles when she told everybody she was going to the bathroom.

"You look stressed," I said. She turned around and rolled her eyes once she realized it was me.

"If you're coming out here to argue leave me alone." she said. "I don't feel like doing that right now."

"You have a baby with my friend after sleeping with me and then tell me you don't wanna argue." I snorted.

She turned around and looked at me like she wanted to punch me in my mouth and honestly there was no doubt in my mind that she would but she didn't. I wasn't standing that close but I can see perfectly fine and even though it was dark I could see tears sliding down her cheeks.

"We are not together." she said quietly.

"Yeah right, next you'll be telling me it's mine." I scoffed.

"It is." She wiped her face just as a car pulled up to the curb. She didn't say anything else she just got into the car and closed the door. The car pulled of quickly leaving there alone outside the restaurant.        

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