Chapter 13

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I was laying on my bed looking at the pictures I got from the doctor's office. I turned it around in my hands, it's hard to tell which end is the top and which end is the bottom. I don't think that the dot in the middle is the eyeball, or if it even has eyeballs. This don't even seem like it's really happening. Maybe I shouldn't have called her a bitch, that could have been taking it to far, but I was mad.

I picked up my phone and looked at the text messages between the two of us. For a second apologizing to her crossed my mind and then I looked back at the picture and my chest got hot all over again.

"you gone say you sorry or not?" I looked up and offset was leaning against the doorframe. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"man whatever." I said.

"you needa start talking to her." He walked into my room and sat down on the edge of the bed. He held his hand out and i handed him the pictures. He laughed as he looked at it.

"just wait a couple months when it starts looking like a real baby you gonna freak out and when she gives birth you gone shit." He said.

"what does that mean?" I asked him.

"babies are scary bruh. The doctor is gone hand you this little baby that you gonna be responsible for and it's gone be like this big." He pointed from his hand to his elbow. "and it's gone look up at you with those big eyes and you're gonna shit...literally."

"shit? Like its gonna make me sick." I said.

"you know how you get when you get nervous. You gonna freak the fuck out I'm telling you." He handed me back the picture.

"Why you telling me this?" I asked him.

"you need to fix things with y/n." He said.

"fix what? Nothings broke." I said to him.

"you know what I'm talking about. The two of you are making the whole situation weird for all of us. Everything used to be cool and now whenever she comes around you watch over her like she's made of glass and she'll fall apart f she leaves your sight. "

"I don't do that-"

"yes, you do." He said cutting me off. He stood up from the bed and went over to the door. "just fix it. The two of you talk it out and do this like two adults cause I'm tired of being in the middle of this,"

"you're not in the middle," I said.

"do you know how uncomfortable I was listening to you talk about your wet dreams about a girl I've considered my sister since like middle school and then you swear that you don't like her when both of us know you do cause if you didn't you would have told everyone and not just me. Then I get her asking me what wrong with you because she doesnt want to ask you herself because you're scary and you kind of look like a serial killer when you get all moody and quiet."

"What?" I asked.

"the two of you need to talk it out. She was gonna hide it but she didn't and shes not keeping you away from the baby so it's kinda like you're just acting like a moody little girl. Talk to your baby's mother and get over your little hissy fit....for the sake of all of us." He turned around and walked out of the room leaving me there by myself.

I rolled my eyes and moved to put the pictures on the night stand. I'm not acting like a little I?

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