Chapter 21

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I was trying as best that I could to curl my hair so that I could finish getting ready but it seemed like no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my hair to look like the youtube tutorial. This girl was curling her hair with a flat iron and making it look easy meanwhile my hair looked like I ran through a wind storm.

"So if you don't know where you're going, how are you supposed to know what to wear?" Tiffany asked as she looked through my closet to pick an outfit for me to wear. You would swear I was going to prom or something the way she was acting. I didn't have very many outfits already and the fact that I was twice my normal size didn't help matters at all. Most of the clothes that I had didn't even fit.

"He's probably just taking me to dinner or something basic like that." I replied.

She was about to open her mouth to speak but before she could get a word out there was a knock on the front door. She went and opened the door and I could hear her talking loudly to whoever was on the other side. "She's not ready you're going to have to wait." She said.

"you don't even know where I'm taking her so you can't tell me if she's ready or not." He walked into the bathroom and looked me up and down. I was still in my pajamas and my hair was half done. "you look fine,"

"What?" Tiffany asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"What you got on is fine." He said making a motion with his hand for me to hurry.

"I don't even have a bra on." I said to him

"you can't even tell," he said. "but if you think you need one then put it on and come on."

"Where are we-"

He threw his hand up in front of tiffany's face cutting her off. "Why are you always here? Don't you have a man?"

"kiss my ass." She replied. "I'm not always here and I was just asking a question rude ass."

"well we have an appointment that we needa make so please y/n can we get a move on." He said.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom. I went into my room and grabbed a bra from my underwear drawer, put it on, and grabbed some shoes. I don't know what he's planning on doing but I don't understand how pajamas is acceptable attire. Maybe we're just going back to his house or maybe a hotel and I wont need a be dressed.

"So I don't suppose you're gonna tell me where you're taking me?" I asked him after we were in the car and on our way to this mystery location.

"nope," he said shaking his head.

"okay then." I sat back in the seat and looked out the window as we drove to the location of our mystery date. When he finally stopped the car we came to a building that looked like a regular office building. We got out of the car and went inside and as soon as we got into the building we were met by what had to be the tallest man I've ever seen in my life, and on top of being tall he had on 6 inch heels. He said nothing as he walked around me in circles. When he got back around to stand in front of me he stopped and folded his arm over his chest before flipping his hair over his shoulder. 

"When you said she was going to need hair and makeup I didn't think that you were going to drag her out of bed to bring her here. Did you even give her a chance to put on a bra?" He asked.

"barely," I said.

"hmm, it must not have any support." He said.


"you got everything you need though right? I paid you good money for this-"

"I know what you paid for." The tall man held out his hand to me and a placed my hand in his. "Shalinda we got a live one!" He led me to a little area that was set up like single chaired salon. He sat me down in the chair and turned me toward the mirror.

A woman ran from another room and came over to where I sat in the chair. She started running her fingers through my hair. "a few split ends but nothing too drastic.... did you do this?" She was referring to the droopy curls that were in my hair.

"I was trying." I said to her.

"you should invest in a good curling wand. Theyr'e so much easier to use." She said.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

The tall guy looked over at takeoff. "you havent told her yet? How long you gonna wait?"

"you said you always wanted to be a model so I set up a photo shoot for you." He said.


"a surprise maternity photo shoot." The tall man replied. "I'm Jose and I will be the visionary to guide you on this journey to-"

"a black guy named jose?" I asked him.

"I was born in new mexico," he answered.

"That's still in americ-"

"Just let it go." Takeoff said. "I'm paying them by the hour."

"alright," Jose said clapping his hands loudly. "let's get down to business then."

They started with my hair and makeup and once that was done they could me into another room where there were racks of clothing for me to pick from. "pick whatever you like and we have some different props to use if you so choose." Jose handed me a book of sample photos so that I could look through it.

"you taking these with me?" I turned and looked at takeoff who was standing close by me.

"this is supposed to be for you," he said. "people take pictures of me all the time."

"but we should take these together right. They can be our first family photos." I said to him.

We looked through the book until we found something that we liked. In the sample picture the woman was dressed in all black and she sat on a large gold thrown with a crown on her head. In the sample there was only a woman but it was nothing to have takeoff stand next to me in the chair.

"okay, lets straighten that back and sit up high y/n" jose said. "I need you to give me some Beyonce, channel your inner queen and serve face."

Takeoff busted out laughing like he was at a comedy show. He was bent over at the waist laughing like he had just heard the funniest joke to ever touch his ears. I turned in the chair and looked at him. "What's so funny?" I asked him.

"serve your face queen beyonce." He leaned on the top of the chair and smiled at me.

"you're an ass," i said laughing a little.

"am I?" He replied.

"okay, that's it." Jose said. He walked over to a nearby table and set his camera down. He went over to his computer and sat down in a nearby chair.

"What do you mean that's it? I'm paying you by the hour so-"

"so wouldn't you like me to stop when I get the right image." He said.

"I'm not following." Takeoff replied.

"photography is about capturing a moment that you want to last a lifetime, and I've done...just...that." He plugged his camera into the computer and started to go through the images of us that he had just took. I got up from where i was sitting and went to stand behind him. Most of them looked like a generic sample photo where the both of us are forcing serious face. Takeoff looked like he was scowling and I looked like I was trying and failing to be a model. He scrolled through the images until he got to the one he was talking about. Apparently, he had been snapping photos the entire time takeoff and I were talking weather we were ready or not. The photo he stopped on was a picture of us looking at each other instead of the camera; takeoff was leaned against the chair and I was looking up at him. Honestly there was nothing special about the moment but looking at it now it looked amazing.

"wow, we couldn't have staged a better picture even if we tried." I said.

"I know, it's not often that you look happy." Takeoff said.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "shut up."

"Yes ma'am," he replied with a pleased laugh. He was the only one who appreciated his stupid little joke.  

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