Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Kirsnick Ball

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. The man that I am wants to give y/n whatever she wats but this is one thing that I really cant give her. She's lost her peace of mind since she was her mother in the state that she's in. I never knew her mother that well because she came around every once in a blue moon. She didn't meet Kj until he was almost 8 months old and when she did, she turned her nose up at him as if he wasn't worthy of her time. She judged me and our family from the moment she found out, granted we didn't start our relationship under the best circumstances, but she could have at least given me a chance. Now this is all falling back on me and I don't even know how I'm supposed to handle it.

If it was up to me I would say fuck it; she aint never like me so why should I do anything to help her. I didn't even want y/n giving her no money but I gotta pick my battles when it comes to this. She is a mean ass old lady but I gotta admit that seeing her in these pictures is kind of sad. Whenever I did see her she was always put together; hair done, nails done, and dressed in designer from head to toe. Now it's the opposite. In ever picture we were given she was wearing clothes that were too big and looked like they were dirty, her hair was thrown into a bun but still managed to stick up all over her head, and her designer clothes and bags were long gone.

"What are you gonna do?" I looked up and my uncle, who was giving all of his attention to the game on the tv, looked over at me for a second before turning his attention back to the tv.

"What can I do?" I asked him. "she'd on drug and you know just as well as I do that you cant make nobody get help if they don't want it. Especially if they're as bad off as her mama looks.

"she that bad?" quavo asked me.

"she looked like a skeleton covered in skin in all these pictures." I said.

"if she comes and asks for help will you help her?" he asked.

"what kinda man would a be if I didn't?" I asked.

"the kind that would be in his right mind after all she didn't call you deadbeat street trash." My uncle said. "shit, if it would me I wouldn't give her shit."

Maybe you should go talk to her." My uncle suggested.

"talk to her for what?" I asked.

"you know you never got to know her, and she obviously never got to know you. Maybe if you talk to her you can understand why she doin what she doin and you can find a way to help her or convince her to get help."

"and you think that's gonna work?" I asked him.

"every addict got a story, and maybe if you find out what that story is, you'll be able to get her on the right track."

"but what about me makes you think that she'll open up to me?"

"you're the money that's why."

I get what he meant by I'm the money because y/n still works for us and she makes her own money and any time she gives her mother anything she doesn't ask me if it's okay because it comes from her own money. I knew that this was a long shot because this lady hates me but here I am sitting in my car waiting for her to emerge from the store I had seen her walk into almost 30 minutes ago.

When she finally came out, I hit the horn and she looked over at me. I knew that she knew who I was because I was in y/n's car instead of one of my own. She looked angry when she walked over to the car but her face chanced when I rolled the window down and she say that it was me.

"I told my daughter to stay her ass away from here. Do I need to tell you the same thing?"

"and what makes you think imma listen to you?" I asked her.

"you two are perfect for each other." She said. "two big headed, stubborn ass kids."

"my head aint big," I told her.

"you think so?" she asked me.

"get in the car." I said to her.

"I got shit to do. I don't have time for this-"

I pulled some money from my pocket and put it on the dashboard. "that's for you after you tell me what I want to know."

"you think I need your money?" she asked. I watched her eyes shift from me to the money ont eh dashboard and back to me.

"they way you looking at it says otherwise." I grabbed the money and put it back into my pocket.

"how much?"

"it's about 150," I answered.

She looked around and then looked back at me as she chewed down on her bottom lip. She was fidgeting and acting nervously. "ten minutes and then you gotta go."

"fine," I replied. She went around to the passenger side and got in the car. I pulled out of the parking lot and started down the street.

"So what do you want to know?" she asked. "I swear I didn't go over there to mess up what you had going on. I just really needed that money."

"you really got her worried." I said to her. "she doesn't understand where this is all coming from a-"

"I been doin this since before she was born." She said to me. "it's how a met her father, but back then we were a lot more.....high scale."

"high scale?" I asked.

"pent houses, wild parties, and dinner with high rollers" she said. "it was always there and always easily accessible."

"so you've been doing this her whole life?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I stopped when I found out that I was pregnant with her. Her father wanted me to have her and he made me stop to make sure that there wouldn't be anything wrong with her when she was born." She said.

"so you changed your life for her?" I asked.

she shook her head again. "I love my daughter, I really do, but I believe deep down in my heart that I was never meant to be a parent. I was lucky that I ended up pregnant by her father and not by one of the dealers he would pan me off to in order to get free drugs. He took care of her but after he died, and the money dried up I had to do something to provide for her."

"and what was that?" I asked.

"the only thing that I knew how to do." She replied. "I slept with them and they gave me money."

"do you blame her?" I asked her. She had been looked at me the entire time but now she was looking away from me.

"I blame myself," she answered. "why you here?"


"I'm here because I don't have no choice; I gave up my house, all of my clothes and money, and I sold my car so that I could feed my habit, but you aint like me. I was stuck up my ass cause I felt like the man that I had would always take care of me, and I finally had it made. You were the exact opposite everything I accused you of being. She's lucky that she has you."

"I don't take care of her. She takes care of me." I said to her. "if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know my asshole from a hole in the ground."

She smiled. "she amazing, and she like that because I didn't raise her." She sounded like she was going to cry.

"you know if you let her, she can take care of you too. Both of us, we can help you if you let us." I said.

She looked out the window. We were sitting in front of the store after we'd made the block four times. All she did was shake her head again. She held her hand out to me and I took the money from my pocket and gave it to her. "I don't deserve her. I never did." Was all that she said before she got out of the car and disappeared into the small crowd that was standing out in front of the corner store. 

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