Chapter 4

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Tiffany came over to my apartment and cooked for me, but she couldn't stay; she'd actually made herself late for an appointment and had to get back to her salon as soon as she could. There really wasn't anything for me to do home alone. I tried to watch TV, but the only thing on was the news, and those trashy reality shows, and then there was that one channel that was really nothing but a fake new reporter feeding people information about celebrities that was more of their personal business than news that everyone in the world had a right to know.

"Takeoff's new girlfriend revealed!"

"Oh really?" I asked aloud as I dropped the remote down on the sofa and continued to watch the TV screen.

"It seems that the young rap superstar has indeed been dating in secret. Who's his girlfriend you ask? She an aspiring model and budding celebrity,"

"She doesn't even look like me," I said to the TV. "Our hair isn't even the same color." pictures of the two of them started to appear across the screen holding hands and things like that. My hair was dark brown and curly and she was wearing this crazy purple wig. We looked nothing alike even with our faces covered.

"When did they get together?" there was a knock on my door and I turned the TV down. Tiffany had only left my house two hours before so there was no way that she was done with her appointment. I rolled off the sofa and went to open the door.

"Why do you keep showing up at my house like this?" I said to him. Kirshnik stepped through the door and worked his way out of his shoes. "I didn't invite you in." I said to her. He turned around and looked at me.

"I came here for you, be nice." he shot back. He walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. He was holding a bag in hands which he sat down on the floor.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I found your shoes, but I couldn't find the dress you were wearing." He said. He reached in the bag and pulled out a pair of underwear. "Are these yours?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "No," I said shaking my head. See this is what I mean. He's got females going in and out of his room like a drive thru and Tiffany thinks he's mature enough to raise a child.

"oh," she shoved them into his pocket and walked over to the sofa and sat down. He looked over at the TV and laughed.

"What's funny?" I asked him.

He pointed at the TV. "This shit it's ridiculous." He said.

"Why do you think that they try so hard to find out who you're dating?" I asked.

"I don't know. It wasn't really a secret, me and her been rocking for a while. I just keep my business to myself." He said with a shrug. My stomach lurched at his words.

"A while? How long is a while?" I asked.

"Like a year maybe two." He said plainly.

"But you....but we." He looked at me and chuckled.

"We fucked." He said with a nod. "Like I said we been rocking for a while but it aint nothing too serious. We had got into it a few days before that anyway."

"And now you're not arguing." My heart was thumping loudly against my chest, so loud that I could hear it in my ears. He has a girlfriend and we slept together. HE HAS A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND AND I SLEPT WITH HIM AND NOW IM FUCKING PREGNANT.

"You okay?" he asked me. I looked back up at his face and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I just got a stomach ache." I said to him.

"Oh," was all that he said.

"So you the one coming on the tour with us next time right, or is it that white girl with no body?" he asked.

Shit, I hadn't even though about that. How was I supposed to make this work with my job?


I was standing on the side of the stage watching them rehearse. They weren't using the pyrotechnics and lights because it was just rehearsals but the environment was still getting to me. The echo from the speakers was booming inside my head. I could feel my back starting to sweat and my body getting hot.

The music stopped and Quavo walked over to me. He was asking me something but I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying. I sucked in a deep breath and pressed my lips together. I couldn't hold it anymore. I had enough time to turn around so at least I didn't get it on anyone but throwing up at work is the most embarrassing thing ever.

I felt a hand on my back. Two of the other crew lead me back to one of the green rooms and let me sit down. They put a wet towel on the back of my neck and gave me a bottle of water and they sat a trash can in front of me just in case a threw up again. 

"Damn, I really thought that you was gone throw up on him." I looked up and offset was standing by the door with his hands in his pockets.

"I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I did." I said looking down at the trash can they had given me. i gagged again but nothing came up this time. 

"You know how far along you are?" he asked.

I looked up at him then back down quickly. "What are you talking about?"

"I got three kids, I've seen that enough to know what's going on." he leaned against the door frame.

i didn't reply for a long time, i was hoping he would give up and go away but he didn't. i sucked in a deep breath and looked up at him again. he was on the other side of the room now but the table of food they had set up for everyone. i grabbed a plate but from where i was sitting i could see what he was putting on it. "I don't know I ain't been to the doctor yet. Maybe three or four weeks." I said.

"Mmm," he said. he walked over to me and handed the plate. there was nothing put pickle slices on it. "Well, try to keep your body cool. If your body gets too hot you'll get sick."

"Why are you giving me pickles?" i asked him. 

"it helps, just eat em." he said. i took the plate from him and place it in my lap. without another word he turned around and walked out of the room. 

One of the managers came in to check on me a little later and told me that it was alright if I went home. I didn't want to miss out on the money but honestly I was relieved because I still felt like shit. I called Tiffany and she came by my apartment after I got home.

"So now that's two people who know." She said handing me the TV remote. "How did he figure it out?"

"He said that he's seen it before," I said.

"So you don't want him to know but you tell his best friend." She said making a face.

"He's not gonna find out, for all offset knows it can be anybody's baby. All he knows is that I'm pregnant." I said.

"You shouldn't underestimate people. Set sees everything and hears everything."

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