Chapter 15

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Tiffany is extra. She likes to throw big parties with elaborate decorations and guests list that were miles long. When she asked to throw me a gender reveal I agreed under the one condition that it only be a small party. I guess in her mind a small party meant that she was going to invite every living relative that i have plus my friends. The only problem with that is most of them havent talked to me since I was in high school and that was years ago. My family came to see if my mother would turn up to ruin the fun and my high school classmates came to see who if anyone would actually get me pregnant.

"This is a lot." Someone said directly into my ear. I turned to see takeoff couching down next to me.

"You're late," I said to him.

"I know she already yelled at me for it," he said. "I would have been here sooner but I had to...get rid of someone."

"get rid of who?" I asked him.

"FeeFee." He said.

"Who the fuck is feefee?" I asked.

"my...girlfriend I guess." He replied. I laughed. I couldn't help it I'm sure that it isnt her real name but the fact that I girl in a purple wig who calls herself feefee had the balls to threaten me is like icing on this whole shit cake of a pregnancy.

"aww, she could have come if she wanted to." I said to him. He rolled his eyes.

"right, I'm not bringing that idiot here." He said.

"you're the sweetest boyfriend ever." I said to him.

He turned and looked at me. "if you knew her it wouldn't be a joke."

Tiffany got him a chair so he could sit beside me and gave him the stink eye as she walked away. She was still mad over the whole FeeFee situation and her coming at me that way that she did but after some convincing she let it go, or at least I think that she did. She would still probably beat her ass if she tried something slick but luckily she isnt here. After about 30 minutes she came back to get the both of us.

"You ready?" She said.

"if that means im tired of sitting on my ass looking at that box then yes." I replied.

Takeoff hopped up from the chair he was in and held a hand out to help me out of my own. He treated me like a cautionary tale even thought I wasn't that big. I was about 20 weeks now but had nothing more than a small bump beneath my bellybutton. I was still the same size and all of the clothes I had before still fit but that didn't stop him from watching over me like a worried parent. We went over to the box and everyone stood around.

"Alright everyone on the count of three!" Tiffany called over the crowd of people.

They started to count but it sounded like nothing more than a whisper to me. I was so nervous that I didn't want to move. i watched in almost a sort of out of body experience as his hands and mine lifted the flaps on the box opening it. I watched as a bouquet of blue balloon floated out of the box and stopped as it touched the ceiling. Everyone around us erupted into cheers again.

Takeoff smiled looking up at the balloons. I've never seen him smile like that. He was happy and that was exciting for me. The cheers faded but I could still hear someone clapping. In fact it was the only noise that filled the room now. I looked away from him and standing across the room from where we stood was none other than FeeFee. Her signature purple hair was replaced this time by bright green locks. She wore a satisfied smirk as she called all of the attention in the room away from us and over to her.

"This was cute." She said. "nicky I wanna do the same thing for our baby when it's time, but instead of the balloon I want the one with the cake. You know the cake with the color on the inside." She brought her hands down to rest on top of her stomach as if she was cradling a bump that she didn't have.

"What is she talking about?" I looked over at takeoff and he looked just as clueless as me.

"this is exciting, right?" She asked. "what's it called when you have two kids less than a year apart? Isnt it irish twins or something?" She shrugged.

Tiffany started to push her way through the crowd to get to FeeFee but takeoff got there first. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her outside. Tiffany turned and made her way over to me. She took me upstairs to her room and closed the door.

"I swear to god, imma kill her, if she's lying and did this just to fuck up your party im going to jail for murder." Tiffany raved as she paced the floor. I sat on the bed watching her walk back and forth.

"tiffany stop." I said to her.

"Why should I? That was fucked up. She couldn't just let you have your moment. The two of you don't even want each other and she's acting like you're trying to steal him away. This was one day of a few that she could have just let you have but-"

The door opened and takeoff stuck his head into the room. Tiffany looked like she was ready to rip his head from his shoulders. "I'm sorry," he said as he stepped into the room with his hands up like he was being held at gunpoint. "I took her home I had no idea that she would follow me here."

"is what she was saying true?" Tiffany asked him.

"about her?" He asked. "I don't know....why?"

"because I need to know if im gonna be risking a murder charge stomping that bitches neck in." She said folding her arms over her chest.

"come on-"

"no, you come on," she snapped. "you couldn't give her one fucking day to enjoy. Parading that tacky faced clown around when everyone knows you have a baby by someone else and instead of saving face you make another one with the idiot that constantly makes you look stupid-"

"stop!" He yelled. "y/n, I'm sorry, I told her not follow me here, but I should have made sure that she didn't. As for the stuff she said I don't know if she was serious or if she was just taking jabs at you but I'll get to the bottom of it alright."

"yeah, you should." I said to him. 

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