Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 


I was sitting in line in the McDonalds drive thru with my mom in the car. I don't usually eat fast food but this baby has me eating all kinds of things that I don't normally eat. The kids were at home with the nanny because I thought that it would be a good idea just for me to run errands with my mom today.

This is awkward to say the least, I cant think of the last time my mother and I spent more than an hour together and

The entire time she's been asking questions about my life that have don't nothing but shown me how much she wasn't there. She didn't know the year I graduated high school but it wasn't until she asked me about my graduation that I remembered that she wasn't there. She didn't know Kj's full name and also didn't even realize that Armoni wasn't my biological child. We basically spent our entire grocery run with her asking me questions that she should already know the answer to.

"so, you haven't heard from Armoni's real mom?" she asked me.

"it's like she dropped off the face of the earth, and I cant say that I'm mad about it." I replied.

"When she gets older do you think she's going to remember?" my mom asked.

"she had a pretty bad head injury, so if she doesn't remember anything it'll be a real surprise." I said.

We finally got up to the window to collect my food only to have the girl stand there and tell me that after waiting almost 15 minutes in line for an ice cream cone that the machine was no longer working but she could offer me a smoothie instead.

"i guess," I replied. I had more than enough to say to her but that wasn't going to change the fact that the machine wasn't working. I didn't want to eat fries and a smoothie and I'm more than sure there aint no real fruit in it, but it's all I got right now.

"So, where have you been all this time mom," I asked to her. I turned and looked at her in enough time to see her shrug her shoulders.

"here and there. You know I like to travel." she turned and looked out the window. She's lying and I know that she is but I'm not going to call her out about it. I don't want to argue with her and I'm not trying to sit here and argue with her about everything bad that ever happened to me because she wasn't around to do her job as a parent. We both know that she was a lackluster mother so there no reason for me to sit here and waste my breath reminding her every chance I get. She said she's here to get help and that's what I'm going to do.

"So are you really gonna make me sit here and go to this family therapy stuff?" she asked me.

"this Is gonna be good for the both of us." I replied.

"So in other words-"


She rolled her eyes. I've never seen someone rolled their eyes so much. I swear in the situation we're in it's like I'm the mother and she's the child because she has an attitude about everything that I say to her. "if you think it's' gonna help then I guess we gotta go." she folded her arms over her chest to make sure that I knew that she was upset about it.

"you didn't have a choice either way it went." I replied. "everybody is going."


"I still don't understand why I have to come." I said to Y/n who did nothing but roll her eyes at me. All she does is roll her damn eyes and it's all her mama does to. Both of em just roll their damn eyes at me all day.

"cause we are a family and the two of yall argue like kids, and me and my mama have our own she to work out together so everybody is going." she yelled from that bathroom. "now put your damn shoes on and come on."

"i don't argue with her." she stopped brushing her hair and turned to look at me.

"tell the truth and shame the devil."

"but you said all the time, we don't argue all the time, just when she tryna tell me how to run shit in my house." I replied.

"well that's something you can bring up when we get there." she replied.

Bruh, this is a big damn waste of time. This is not the type of shit I wanna be doing on my day off. I wanna be in the bed feeling on my girl's ass while we watch old tv shows not sitting here in therapy.

"the problem is he likes to pick on me." y/n mom pointed past y/n and at me.

"What? Aint nobody pickin on you!?"

"you don't have to yell," y/n said.

"because he's a bully,"

"i'm not a bully. You have to realize that this is my house and you not my mama. You cant tell me what to do like you the head of the household." I said.

"So what are you saying, because you the man in the house you run everything and everybody has to bow down to you?" her mama asked.

"see, this is what she does all the time. I say one thing and she spins it into something else." I looked over at the therapist. She had been writing things down but she stopped a couple minutes ago to listen.

"i does seem like you're are being a little dramatic, but it looks to me like all of you are dramatic."

"i'm not-"

"and you are argumentative." she said cutting me off. "from the outside looking in I don't understand how the three of you function in the same household."

"well aren't you rude," y/n's mom said and for once 1 agree with her about something.

She kept talking but I wasn't listening at all. I just sat there and waited to the session to be over so that I could leave. She was basically saying that we need to stop arguing so much because the negative environment will start to affect the kids. I don't know about all that but I can make an effort to not argue with her as much as have been. I can't promise that it'll be 100% better but I can try.

"i don't care what she says, I'm not a damn bully." I said to y/n.

"you want fried chicken or baked chicken tonight?" she asked me.

"you ignoring me?" I asked.

"you didn't hear when she said that we should discuss what we talk about in therapy when we get home."

"No, I wasn't listening," I replied.

"then why did you even go?" she asked me.

"Cause, I love you and you made me." I replied.

She rolled her eyes then turned her attention back to the chicken that was sitting raw in the bowl in front of her on the cabinet. I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you to." she replied. "What kind of chicken?"

".... I don't care, let your mom choose." I replied before I turned and started toward the stairs.

"you sure?" she shouted behind me.

"that's not what I'm focused on eating tonight, just finish cooking and come upstairs." 

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